About Data Catalog
  • 17 Jul 2024
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About Data Catalog

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Article summary

Help page about data catalogs.

About this page

This page is a help document for customers who have subscribed to the former paid option data catalog.
If you would like to sign up for a new data catalog in the future, please refer to About COMETA.

What is Data Catalog?

Issues such as "I don't know where the data is" and "I wonder when, where, and for what purpose this data was created" become more and more apparent as the data handled increases, and eventually become bottlenecks in data analysis operations.

The solution to these challenges is the** Data Catalog** is the data catalog.
Data catalogs help solve the data management challenges listed above by managing metadata, which is "data about data.

Features of the TROCCO Data Catalog

TROCCO's data catalog automatically retrieves metadata from the data present in your data analysis infrastructure and generates a data catalog.
The system also provides various functions to promote data utilization, such as data retrieval based on metadata, automatic generation of ER diagrams and****lineage based on acquired metadata, and a query editor that allows users to test queries on the spot.

Supported Data Stores

TROCCO's data catalog supports the following data stores
Automatically catalog tables/columns accumulated in the following data stores

  • Google BigQuery
  • Snowflake
List of functions supported by each data store

Some functions are not supported by some data stores.
For details on the list of functions supported by each data store, please refer to the list of functions supported by each data store.

Various Functions

For more information on each of the features of TROCCO's data catalog, please refer to the respective linked articles.

Automatic acquisition and update

Data Selection

Data Understanding

Data tabulation and data checking

Importing and Exporting Metadata

supplementary information

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