Define data relationships (column references)
  • 17 Jul 2024
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Define data relationships (column references)

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Article summary


The TROCCO data catalog provides a list of column references.
It is displayed by clicking on the column reference tab.

What is a column reference?

A column reference refers to the correspondence between columns.
Tables with defined column references can be analyzed as JOINs in an ER diagram.
For information on how to define column references, see Manual Definition of Column References.

Automatic definition of column references

Tables transferred to the data store using a specific TROCCO source connector will automatically have column references defined.
For more information, see Connectors subject to automatic definition of column references.


Refine column references

Column references to be displayed in the list can be narrowed down as follows

  • Narrow by creation method
    • If you wish to narrow down the column references to be displayed, uncheck the boxes as appropriate.
    • By selecting the creator, only column references defined by that user can also be displayed.
  • Narrowing the search range
    • By default, all column references under the data store are visible.
    • To narrow your search, select a project (or database).
    • When a project (or database) is selected, its lower-level selections are displayed one after the other, allowing you to refine your selections more finely.

Display ER Diagram

You can check the ER diagram for the table of selected column references.
With the checkbox selected, click Open ER Diagram.

Deleting column references

Manually defined column references can be deleted.
Click the icon in the red box and click Remove this column reference.

About auto-generated column references

The name of the creator of the column reference is automatically defined.
Automatically defined column references cannot be deleted.

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