About output file format settings
  • 17 Jul 2024
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About output file format settings

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Article summary


In the destination file/storage connector, the output file format can be set in STEP 1 of the transfer settings, and detailed settings for the output file can be configured in STEP 2 Output Options.
This page describes the output file formats and connectors supported by TROCCO, as well as various output option setting items.

Output file format

CSV/TSV are supported.
Some connectors also support JSON Lines.
Refer to the table below for connectors and supported file formats.

File and storage system connectorsCSV/TSVJSON Lines
Destination - Amazon S3
Destination - Azure Blob Storage
Destination - Box-
Destination - FTP/FTPS
Destination - Google Cloud Storage
Destination - Google Drive-
Destination - SFTP

Output Option Setting Items

List of setting items for STEP 2 "Output Options" of Transfer Settings Edit.
Note that the setting items vary depending on the output file format.


Embulk's csv-formatter-plugin is used.

item namedefault valueDescription.
delimiter,Select the delimiter character for the CSV data.
newline characterCRLFSelect the rule for line breaks from CR, CRLF, and LF.
Newline character in fieldLFSelect the rule for line breaks in the field from CR, CRLF, and LF.
character encodingUTF-8Sets the character encoding method.
How to grant quotesMINIMALQuoting rules can be selected from the following
  • ALL (quoting all fields)
  • MINIMAL (quarto only if necessary, delimiters, etc. in the field)
  • NONE (no quoting)
  • escape character\blowSets the escape character.
    headerenableIf you select Enable, header lines are also transferred.
    If you do not need a header line, select Disable.
    String to replace NULLNot setYou can set a string to replace NULLs.
    If you select " Set", you can enter the string after the substitution.
    Default time zoneUTCSets the time zone for time output.
    This setting is overridden by the time zone in the column settings.
    Column Setting%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%6N %zFor timestamp type column columns, you can specify the column name and set the date format and time zone.
    The default values shown at left are the default values for date formats.

    JSON Lines

    See Confirmation for details on setting items.

    item namedefault valueDescription.
    character encodingUTF-8Select a character encoding method from the following
  • UTF-8
  • UTF-16LE
  • UTF-32BE
  • UTF-32LE
  • newline characterLFSelect a newline character rule from the following
  • CRLF
  • LF
  • CR
  • NUL
  • NO
  • Date Format-You can set the date format.
    time zone-Time zone can be set.
    If you use this option, you must also set the date format.

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