Apple Search Ads Connection Information
  • 17 Jul 2024
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Apple Search Ads Connection Information

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Article summary


This is the help page for setting up connection information for Apple Search Ads.

Invite Users

  1. Log in to the administration screen with Account Admin privileges and invite users with API execution privileges from
     Select API Account Read Only for the user's Role.


  1. Please log in as the user you have invited and configure the settings for the rest of the day.

Obtain ClientID, Team ID, Key ID, and private key

  1. Execute the following command to generate private-key.pem.
$ openssl ecparam -genkey -name prime256v1 -noout -out private-key.pem 
  1. Execute the following command to generate public-key.pem.
$ openssl ec -in private-key.pem -pubout -out public-key.pem
  1. From the Apple Search Ads admin page, navigate to your account settings (SETTINGS).
    Please enter the ACCOUNT ID that can be confirmed at this time in the Organization ID field.

  2. Enter the contents of public-key.pem and click save.

  3. Enter the clientId, teamId, and keyId displayed on the screen into Client ID, Team Id, and Key ID, respectively.

  4. Enter the contents of private-key.pem into your private key.

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