BigQuery Connection Configuration
  • 07 Dec 2022
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BigQuery Connection Configuration

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Article Summary


This is a machine-translated version of the original Japanese article.
Please understand that some of the information contained on this page may be inaccurate.


This is a help page for setting connection information for BigQuery.

How to get the JSON Key

When creating a new project

  1. Sign in to Google Cloud Platform. (You need a Google account here.) )

  2. Select the IAM and Managed Service Accounts item in the left bar.

  3. Select Create service account and fill in the required information.

  4. Set permissions for the service account.
    If you want to use BigQuery as a transfer source, you need read and write permissions to BigQuery and Google Cloud Storage. (When handling tables linked to Google SpreadSheets, read and write permissions of the Drive API are also required.) )
    * For example, BigQuery Viewer and BigQuery Data Editor are required for BigQuery, and Cloud Storage > Storage Administrator are required for GCS.
    If you want to use BigQuery as a transfer destination, you need the permissions of the BigQuery data owner and BigQuery job user.

  5. Under Allow users to access this service account, select Create Key and select JSON as the key type. After that, press Create.

If you want to use an existing project

  1. When you created a service account in the past, you created a JSON key, and if you have a download file from that time, you can use it.

  2. If you did not create a JSON key when creating a service account, or if you created a JSON key but do not have a download file, log in to Google Cloud Platform and select Create key for the account you want to use from the service account item.

  3. Leave the key type as JSON. Then, when you press create, the JSON key will be downloaded, so please use it.

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