Connection Configuration for Amazon Redshift

      Connection Configuration for Amazon Redshift

      Article summary


      This is the help page for setting up Connection Configuration for Amazon Redshift.

      Authority required for Connection Configuration used for Data Source

      It is necessary to create a user with the following permissions

      • SELECT TABLE authority in Data Source schema

      To grant minimum privileges to users, please refer to the following SQL command.

      ALTER DEFAULT PRIVILEGES FOR USER <your_db_user_name> IN SCHEMA <your_destination_schema>
      ON TABLES TO <your_db_user_name>;
      GRANT USAGE ON SCHEMA <your_destination_schema> TO <your_db_user_name>
      Plain text

      Authority required for Connection Configuration used for Data Destination

      To transfer data to Amazon Redshift at high speed, TROCCO first temporarily stores data in Amazon S3 and then bulk loads the data into Amazon Redshift using the COPY command.
      In order to go through the above transfer process, Connection Configuration used for Data Destination Amazon Redshift must have permission settings for both Amazon S3 and Amazon Redshift.

      Setting up permissions for Amazon S3 (creating an IAM user)

      Data may be temporarily stored in Amazon S3 for data transfer to Amazon Redshift.
      The IAM User credentials are used for this purpose.
      Create an IAM User with the following permissions and enter AWS Credentials

      To grant minimum privileges, please refer to the following policy.

           "Version": "2012-10-17",
           "Statement": [
                  "Sid": "S3Permissions",
                  "Effect": "Allow",
                  "Action": [
                  "Resource": [
                  "Sid": "STSPermissions",
                  "Effect": "Allow",
                  "Action": [
                  "Resource": "*"
      Plain text

      Setting up permissions (creating users) for Amazon Redshift

      It is necessary to create a user with the following permissions

      • CREATE/DROP TABLE permission in Data Destination schema
      • Authority to execute COPY command in Data Destination schema

      To grant minimum privileges to users, please refer to the following SQL command.

      ALTER DEFAULT PRIVILEGES FOR USER <your_db_user_name> IN SCHEMA <your_destination_schema>
      ON TABLES TO <your_db_user_name>;
      GRANT USAGE ON SCHEMA <your_destination_schema> TO <your_db_user_name>
      Plain text

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