S3 connection information
  • 17 Jul 2024
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S3 connection information

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Article summary


Help page on the procedure for using S3 with TROCCO.


Basic Information

item nameindispensableContents
NameYesEnter the name of the connection information to be used inside TROCCO.
memoNoEnter a note of connection information to be used inside TROCCO.

connection information

You can choose one of the following as your AWS authentication method
* IAM role: Obtains temporary authentication information during data transfer.
* IAM user: Permanent credentials are issued and used during data transfer.

AWS Authentication by IAM role

Unlike authentication by IAM users, there is no need to enter credentials (AWS access key and AWS secret access key) on TROCCO. This allows for a more secure data transfer environment.

In addition, in order to obtain temporary authentication information during data transfer, in the AWS IAM role managed by the customer,
You must register your TROCCO AWS account as a trusted entity type.
For more information on IAM roles, please refer to the IAM Role Issuance Procedure.

AWS Authentication Method: AWS Authentication Method: AWS Authentication Method: AWS Authentication Method For IAM roles

item nameindispensableContents
AWS Account IDYesPlease enter the AWS account ID where your IAM role resides.
IAM role nameYesEnter the IAM role name created in your AWS account.
Example: The trocco-role
TROCCO's AWS account ID (read-only)-Please allow the following AWS account ID when issuing IAM roles.
External ID (read-only)-This information is automatically generated on TROCCO's connection information screen.
Allow the external IDs shown on the TROCCO when the IAM role is issued.

AWS Authentication Method: AWS Authentication Method: AWS Authentication Method: AWS Authentication Method For IAM users

item nameindispensableContents
AWS Access Key IDYesEnter the access key ID of the IAM user created in AWS.
AWS Secret Access KeyYesEnter the secret access key of the IAM user you created in AWS.
IAM User Issuance Procedure

Procedure for issuing IAM roles

  1. From the AWS IAM Management Console screen, click Roles > Create Role.

  2. In Step 1, "Select Trusted Entities," configure the settings as follows

    • Trusted Entity Type:. Select "AWS Account.
    • Another AWS account:. Enter "TROCCO's AWS Account ID" on TROCCO's S3 Connection Information form.
    • Request External ID > External ID:. Enter the "External ID" on TROCCO's S3 Connection Information form.
  3. In Step 2, "Add Permissions," configure as desired.

  4. In Step 3, "Name, Confirm, and Create," configure as desired.

    • Note the role name entered here.
  5. Enter the role name in the "IAM Role Name" field of TROCCO's S3 connection information form.

IAM User Issuance Procedure

Group Creation

  1. Log in to the IAM console.

  2. From the main page, select Groups and click Create New Group.

  3. Enter a group name and click Next Step.

  4. Select the desired policy and click Next Step. Select Amazon S3 Full Access.

  5. Click Create Group.

User Creation

  1. From the main page, select Users and click Create New User.

  2. Enter a user name and select programmatic access under Access Type.

  3. Create users by adding them to the group you just created.

  4. After creation, the AWS Access Key ID and AWS Secret Access Key will be displayed.

Authority required to be granted

The permissions that need to be granted to users for S3 connection information are as follows

  • s3:ListAllMyBuckets
  • s3:GetBucketLocation
  • s3:ListBucket
  • s3:GetObject
  • s3:PutObject (if there is a case where it is also used as a transfer destination)

When used only as a transfer source, the connection can be established without any problem even if s3:PutObject is not assigned.


Reference: AWS official website

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