Destination - Microsoft SQL Server
  • 17 Jul 2024
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Destination - Microsoft SQL Server

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Article summary


Help page for setting up data transfer to SQLServer.


  • none in particular

Setting items

STEP1 Basic settings

item nameindispensabledefault valueContents
Microsoft SQL Server Connection InformationYes-From the previously registered connection information, select the one that has the necessary authority for this transfer setting.
Database NameYes-Specify the name of the destination database.
schemaNo-Specify the name of the destination schema.
tableYes-Specify the name of the destination table
Custom variables can be used to dynamically determine set values during TROCCO data transfer.
transfer modeYesinsertSelect the appropriate transfer mode among insert, insert_direct, truncate_insert, replace, and merge.
For details on the mode, see About Transfer Mode below.
merge keyNo-If the transfer mode is merge and the primary key does not exist in the destination table, specify the key column name of the data to be transferred.

About transfer mode

mode nameContents
insertFirst, intermediate tables are created and data is transferred. After all intermediate tables have been created, insert data into the target tables.
If the target table does not exist, it will be created automatically.
insert_directInserts rows directly into the target table.
If the target table does not exist, it will be created automatically.
However, when the transfer fails, data may have been inserted into the target table.
truncate_insertIn insert mode, all contents of the target table are deleted before data is inserted into the table.
replaceFirst, intermediate tables are created and data is transferred. Once the intermediate table has been created, delete the target table and rename the intermediate table to the target table name.
However, when a transfer fails, the target table may be deleted.
mergeFirst, intermediate tables are created and data is transferred. After all intermediate tables have been created, an update is performed if the merge key for the data in the intermediate tables already exists in the target table, otherwise an insert is performed.
If the target table does not exist, it will be created automatically.

STEP2 Detailed settings

item namedefault valueContents
Maximum number of retries12The maximum number of retries can be specified.
Retry wait time (ms)1000You can specify a waiting time for retries.
Maximum retry wait time in milliseconds1800000You can specify the maximum time to wait for a retry.
batch size16777216Batch size can be specified.
Default time zoneUTCYou can specify a default time zone.
Connection timeout (seconds)300You can specify a timeout in seconds before the driver connects.
When set to 0, the default for Microsoft SQL Server is 15 seconds.
Socket timeout (seconds)1800You can specify a timeout in seconds before the query is executed.
When set to 0, there is no timeout.

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