Data Destination - Yahoo! JAPAN Ads Display Ads Conversion Measurement API (Beta Feature)
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    Data Destination - Yahoo! JAPAN Ads Display Ads Conversion Measurement API (Beta Feature)

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    Article summary


    Help page for the YahooAdsAPI for display ad conversion measurement.

    You can use the YahooAds Display Ads Conversion Measurement API to send conversion measurement results to Yahoo!
    For an overview of this Connector, please refer to the document ( About Conversion Detail Matching ) published by Yahoo Japan Corporation.

    Available in beta version

    This Connector is available as a beta version.
    Specifications are subject to change when the official version is released.

    Setting items

    STEP1 Basic settings

    Select Connection Configuration.

    About Connection Configuration

    Enter the Application ID (Client ID) and select the Connection Configuration you have saved.
    Please refer to the User's Guide for the Client ID issuance procedure.

    column mapping

    Column names and types must be mapped on TROCCO in order to transfer data to the YahooAdsAPI for display ad conversion measurement.
    Refer to the table below and perform the mapping in STEP 2 "Column Setting" tab of ETL Configuration in TROCCO.
    For details on each column, please refer to the official documentation available on GitHub.

    • At least one column (parameter) with (*) in the required column must be included in the data to be transferred.
    column namedata typerequiredremarks
    |email |string| ✓(*)email address. After converting to single-byte lower-case alphanumeric characters, the data is hashed using SHA-256 and sent., and then send it to the client.
    phone_number |string| ✓(*)phone number. After converting to half-width numbers without hyphens, hash them with SHA-256 and send them., and then hashed with SHA-256 before being sent.
    yclid |string| ✓(*)A parameter identifying the user who clicked on the ad. Enter the value of the _ycl_yjad cookie.yclid
    yjr_yjad |string| ✓(*)A parameter that identifies the user who clicked on the ad. Enter the value of the _yjr_yjad cookie.(*)
    event_time |timestamp|The date and time the conversion occurred. Please enter a date and time within 90 days prior to the request date. Send 10-digit UNIX Time conversion.(in the case of a
    yahoo_ydn_conv_io |string|A value specific to your account. Con value |long``| - | value per conversion, obtained from the ad management tool. Enter the value of \ yahoo_ydn_con value or any value from the Conversion API request parameters obtained from the Ad Management Tool.(ue)

    :::( Warning) ( Warning about yahoo_ydn_conv_transaction_id )

    According to the specification of YahooAdsAPI, even if you send data with duplicate yahoo_ydn_conv_transaction_id values, the ETL Job will not error.

    :::( Info) ( if email and phone_number values are hashed in advance)

    Normally, the email and phone_number values are sent hashed.
    However, if the value has been hashed in advance, it is not hashed again, but is sent as the original hash value.

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