Forwarding Source - App Store Connect API
  • 17 Jul 2024
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Forwarding Source - App Store Connect API

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Article summary


Help page for setting up the transfer of report data from the App Store.

Obtainable data

Data is obtained using the App Store Connect API.

Financial Reporting" and "Sales and Trends" are available.
Each of these reports can be linked to the same reports that can be downloaded from "Payments and Financial Reporting" and "Sales and Trends" in App Store Connect.

*Here is the help page for Sales and Trends.
*Here is the help page for financial reporting.

Setting items

STEP1 Basic settings

item nameindispensabledefault valueContents
App Store Connect API Connection InformationYes-From the previously registered connection information, select the one that has the necessary authority for this transfer setting.
API EndpointYes-Specify the URL to connect to the API.
Input file formatYesCSV/TSVSpecify the format of the input file.
For more information, see About input file format settings.
query parameterNo-You can specify query parameters to be included in requests to the API.
See Query Parameter Types below for more information on parameter types.
Parameter values can also be determined dynamically during TROCCO data transfer using custom variables.

Query Parameter Types

The parameters that can be specified vary depending on the type of report (API Endpoint URL) to be retrieved.
For more information, please refer to the official documentation.

Financial Reports

Parameter nameContents
filter[regionCode]You can specify the unit of currency. See official documentation for code.
filter[reportDate]You can specify the date of the report to be retrieved based on the Apple Fiscal Calendar. Specify in YYYYY-MM format.
filter[reportType]You can specify FINANCIAL or FINANCE_DETAIL as the report type.
filter[vendorNumber]Vendor number can be specified. For more information, please see the official documentation.

Sales and Trends Reports

Parameter nameContents
filter[frequency]You can specify the interval at which reports are retrieved.
DAILY, WEEKLY, MONTHLY, and YEARLY can be specified.
filter[reportDate]You can specify the date of the report to be retrieved.
Specify in YYYYY-MM-DD format.
For more information, please see the official documentation.
filter[reportSubType]SUMMARY, DETAILED, and OPT_IN can be specified as report subtypes.
filter[reportType]SALES, PRE_ORDER, NEWSSTAND, SUBSCRIPTION, SUBSCRIPTION_EVENT, and SUBSCRIBER can be specified as report types.
filter[vendorNumber]Vendor number can be specified.
For more information, please see the official documentation.
filter[version]You can specify the version of the report.
For more information, please see the official documentation.

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