Transfer from - AppsFlyer
  • 17 Jul 2024
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Transfer from - AppsFlyer

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Article summary


Help page for setting up transfers from AppsFlyer.

Setting items

STEP1 Basic settings

item nameindispensabledefault valueContents
AppsFlyer connection informationYes-From the previously registered connection information, select the one that has the necessary authority for this transfer setting.
Please refer to AppsFlyer's Connection Information for instructions on how to set up connection information.
App IDYes-Enter the app ID.
Report TypeYes-Select the report type.
Data acquisition periodYes-Enter the start and end date and time of the data you wish to transfer.
Please enter in YYYYY-MM-DD or YYYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss format.
For more information on the data acquisition period, see below.
time zoneYesEtc/UTCSets the time zone for the data acquisition period.
Regarding data acquisition period

* Start date and time
* If time (HH:mm:ss) is not specified, 00:00:00 of the day is specified instead.
* The time specified for the start date/time is included in the data acquisition period.
* End date and time
* If time (HH:mm:ss) is not specified, 00:00:00 of the next day is specified instead.
* The time specified for the end date/time is not included in the data acquisition period.
EXAMPLE. If 2022-12-31 is specified for the end date and time, 2023-01-01 00:00:00 is specified instead.
In this case, data up to 2022-12-31 23:59:59 will be acquired.

Report Type

The following raw data reports can be obtained

Report Species Alias on TROCCOReport Name on AppsFlyer API
In-app eventsIn-app events
Organic InstallsOrganic Installs
Organic in-app eventsOrganic in-app events
Organic uninstalls
Organic reinstalls


The following restrictions apply to the use of AppsFlyer's API.

Number of records available

* The maximum number of records that can be retrieved per transfer is 1 million rows.
* Attempting to transfer a report with more than 1 million records will result in a transfer error.

Limit on the number of times a report can be obtained

AppsFlyer has a limit on the number of reports you can retrieve per day.
The number of times limit depends on the plan you are subscribed to.
For more information, see Report Frequency Limitations.

Duration of available data

AppsFlyer has a time limit on the duration of reports that can be retrieved.
* In-app and organic in-app events: 31 of the last 90 days
* Reports other than the above: 60 of the last 90 days

For more information, see Data availability windows.

When the number of records exceeds 1,000,000

There are two ways to respond.

Narrow the range of data acquisition period

The start and end dates and times of the data acquisition period can be specified in a range of time units.
Note, however, that there is a limit to the number of reports retrieved (number of transfers) per day, as noted above.
For more information, see Period Ranges by Date and Time.

via cloud storage

AppsFlyer has a feature called Data Locker.
Data Locker can send report data to the following cloud storage locations
* Google Cloud Storage
* Snowflake

You can send report data to the above and then use them as the source of the transfer.
For more information on Data Locker, please refer to Data Locker - For Advertisers.

Fields to be retrieved

Refer to the Raw Data Item Guide for details on each field.

Field name at transferField name on the API side
attributed_touch_typeAttributed touch type
attributed_touch_timeAttributed touch time
install_timeInstall time
event_timeEvent time
event_nameEvent name
e valueE value
event_revenueEvent revenue
event_revenue_currencyEvent revenue currency
event_revenue_usdEvent revenue USD
event_sourceEvent source
is_receipt_ validatedIs receipt validated
media_sourceMedia source
campaign_idCampaign ID
adset_idAdset ID
ad_idAd ID
ad_typeAd type
site_idSite ID
sub_site_idSub site ID
sub_param_1Sub param 1
sub_param_2Sub param 2
sub_param_3Sub param 3
sub_param_4Sub param 4
sub_param_5Sub param 5
cost_modelCost model
cost_ valueCost value
cost_currencyCost currency
contributor_1_partnerContributor 1 partner
contributor_1_media_sourceContributor 1 media source
contributor_1_campaignContributor 1 campaign
contributor_1_touch_typeContributor 1 touch type
contributor_1_touch_timeContributor 1 touch time
contributor_2_partnerContributor 2 partner
contributor_2_media_sourceContributor 2 media source
contributor_2_campaignContributor 2 campaign
contributor_2_touch_typeContributor 2 touch type
contributor_2_touch_timeContributor 2 touch time
contributor_3_partnerContributor 3 partner
contributor_3_media_sourceContributor 3 media source
contributor_3_campaignContributor 3 campaign
contributor_3_touch_typeContributor 3 touch type
contributor_3_touch_timeContributor 3 touch time
country_codeCountry code
postal_codePostal code
dmadirect memory access
appsflyer_idAppsFlyer ID
advertising_idAdvertising ID
android_idAndroid ID
customer_user_idCustomer user ID
device_typeDevice type
os_versionOS version
app_versionApp version
sdk_versionSDK version
app_idApp ID
app_nameApp name
bundle_idBundle ID
is_retargetingIs retargeting
retargeting_conversion_typeRetargeting conversion Type
attribution_lookback_windowAttribution lookback window
reengagement_windowRe-engagement window
is_primary_attributionIs primary attribution
user_agentUser agent
http_referrerHTTP referrer
original_urlOriginal URL
blocked_reason_ruleblocked reason rule
is_store_reinstallStore reinstall
contributor_3_match_typeContributor 3 match type
custom_dimensionCustom dimension
conversion_typeConversion type
google_play_click_timeGoogle Play click time
match_typeMatch type
mediation_networkMediation network
deeplink_urlDeeplink URL
blocked_reasonBlocked reason
blocked_sub_reasonBlocked sub reason
google_play_broadcast_referrerGoogle Play broadcast referrer
google_play_install_begin_timeGoogle Play install begin time
campaign_typeCampaign type
custom_dataCustom data
rejected_reasonRejected reason
device_download_timeDevice download time
keyword_match_typeKeyword match type
contributor_1_match_typeContributor 1 match type
contributor_2_match_typeContributor 2 match type
device_modelDevice model
monetization_networkMonetization network
is_latIs LAT
google_play_referrerGoogle Play referrer
blocked_reason_ valueBlocked reason value
store_product_pageStore product page
device_categoryDevice category
app_typeApp type
rejected_reason_ valueRejected reason value
ad_unitAd unit
keyword_idKeyword ID
network_account_idNetwork account ID
install_app_storeInstall app store
amazon_fire_idAmazon Fire ID

Fields not retrieved

Field not retrieved

However, some fields are not retrieved depending on the report.
See the table below for fields that are not retrieved.

Report Type AliasFields Not Retrieved
In-app eventNone
  • custom_dimension
  • conversion_type
  • campaign_type
  • store_product_page
  • app_type
  • att
  • \
    Organic Installation
  • store_product_page
  • \
    Organic In-App Events
  • is_lat
  • store_product_page
  • \
    Organic Uninstallation
  • custom_dimension
  • conversion_type
  • campaign_type
  • store_product_page
  • app_type
  • att
  • \
    Organic Reinstallation
  • store_product_page
  • \

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