Transfer from - Azure Blob Storage
  • 17 Jul 2024
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Transfer from - Azure Blob Storage

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Article summary


Help page for setting up data transfer from Azure Blob Storage.


  • none in particular

Setting items

STEP1 Basic settings

(data) itemindispensabledefault valueContents
Azure Blob Storage connection informationYes-From the previously registered connection information, select the one that has the necessary authority for this connection setup.
Please refer to the Azure Blob Storage connection settings page for instructions on how to set up connection information.
container (e.g. shipping)Yes-Specify the name of the container in which the data you wish to transfer is stored.
path prefixYes-Specify the data to be transferred by path prefix.
If you specify up to the directory name, all files under the directory (matching the prefix) are transferred.
On the other hand, if you specify up to the file name, only that file will be transferred.
Custom variables can be used to dynamically determine set values during TROCCO data transfer.
Input file formatYesCSV/TSVSpecify the format of the input file.
For more information, see About input file format settings.
Transfer MethodYesforwarding of all messagesSelect either full transfer or differential transfer.
For more information on differential transfer, see Differential Transfer Function.

STEP2 Detailed settings

item namedefault valueContents
file path regular expression-By entering a regular expression, you can specify which files under the path prefix are to be transferred.
If not entered, all files matching the path prefix will be included.
Maximum number of files to be read-You can specify a maximum number of files to be transferred (default is unlimited).

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