Forwarding source - Google Search Console
  • 17 Jul 2024
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Forwarding source - Google Search Console

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Article summary


This is a help page for setting up transfers of data managed by Google Search Console.


Data that can be transferred

Only data older than 3 days can be transferred, starting from the time of data transfer.

Setting items

STEP1 Basic settings

item nameContents
Google Search Console connection informationSelect the previously registered Google Search Console connection information that has the necessary permissions for this transfer setting.
search typeSelect the type of data you wish to transfer from the following
  • web
  • image
  • video
  • Site URLEnter the property on Google Search Console for which you want to retrieve data.
    Note that if the property type is domain, add the prefix sc-domain: to the entry.
    For example, for the property, enter
    Data acquisition periodEnter the starting and ending periods of the data you wish to retrieve in the "YYYY-MM-DD" format.
    The data that can be retrieved is limited to data that is at least 3 days old, starting from the time of data transfer.
    dimensionThe following dimensions can be selected as criteria for grouping query results
  • date
  • country
  • device
  • page
  • query
  • searchAppearance
  • For more information, please refer to the official documentation.

    STEP1 detailed settings

    Click on Set Details to display the configuration items.

    item nameContents
    dimension filterYou can filter the data to be retrieved based on the contents of the PAGE dimension.
    The conditions for selection are as follows
  • Contains the following strings
  • Matches the following string
  • Does not contain the following strings
  • Does not match the following string
  • Match regular expression
  • Does not match regular expression

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