Data Source - LINE Ads
  • 16 Dec 2022
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Data Source - LINE Ads

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Article Summary


This is a machine-translated version of the original Japanese article.
Please understand that some of the information contained on this page may be inaccurate.


This page is a help page for setting up transferring LINE Ads (formerly Line Ads Platform) report data.

Data extraction using the LINE Ads API

The other day, LINE Corporation released a method for extracting advertising data using APIs.
In line with the above, trocco has newly started providing connectors using the LINE Ads API.

This article is a help page about connectors using the LINE Ads API.

Scraping connectors are no longer available

In response to the launch of connectors using the LINE Ads API, we have decided to discontinue the existing connectors using scraping.

Starting from December 2022, there will be a certain period of transition to connectors using the LINE Ads API.
During this transition period, both connectors are available temporarily.
The names of each connector are as follows.

However, as mentioned above, existing scraping connectors will no longer be available.
If you want to create a new forwarding setting in the future, please use the forwarding source - LINE Ads.

Changes in acquired data due to changes in the method of extracting ad data

There are some differences in the data acquired between the above two connectors.
For details, please refer to the list of changes in acquired data due to changes in the data extraction method of the forwarding source LINE ADS.

Setting items

STEP1 Basic settings

Item nameRequired
LINE ad connection informationYesSelect the connection information for LINE Ads.
For details, see Connection information for LINE Ads.
Ad account IDYesGo to the Ad Accounts tab of your LINE Ad Manager user interface and check and enter the ID of the ad account for which you want to retrieve data.
Download TypeYesSelect either Performance Report or Master Data (Ads).

Performance Report

Item nameRequired
Report TypeYesSelect the report type.
Please refer to Data Type for an overview of each report, and Column Details for details on column units.
Data acquisition periodYesEnter the time period for which theyyyy-MM-dd report is extracted.
Custom conversionsNoIf you have a custom conversion you'd like to get, enter it here.
For more information about custom conversions, see Track website conversions.
What to ask when setting up custom conversions

If you've added, changed, or removed custom conversion settings from an existing transfer setup, go to "Select automatic settings" and select Perform automatic settings.

Master Data (Advertising)

Item nameRequired
Master Data TypeYesSelect the master data type.
Please refer to Data Type for an overview of each data, and column details for details on column units.

Data Type

Performance Report

TypeReport Content
Ad accountsGet daily reports at the ad account level.
campaignGet daily reports for the campaign level.
Ad groupsGet daily reports at the ad group level.
advertisementGet daily reports for your ad level.

Master Data (Advertising)

TypeReport Content
campaignYou can get master data for your campaigns.
Ad groupsYou can get master data for your ad groups.
advertisementYou can get master data for your ads.

Column Details

Columns not retrieved

The following columns included in data before May 2019 are not imported.

  • viewable impression
  • CVF Application

Performance Report

Details of each column

For more information about each column, see the LINE Ads API documentation.

Column nameExamplecontent valueAdaccountcampaignadgroupads
ad_account_nameAd account nameSample Report
ad_account_idAd account IDA12345678900
campaign_nameCampaign nameSample Campaign 3-
campaign_idCampaign ID1230000000000-
campaign_objectiveCampaign objectiveVISIT_MY_WEBSITE-
ad_group_nameAd group nameAd groups: 201801151037--
ad_group_idAd group ID2230000000000--
ad_nameAd nameAdvertisement : 201801151037---
ad_idAdvertising ID3230000000000---
titleAd TitleSample Title---
descriptionAd descriptionSample Description---
cpmCPM(Cost Per Mille)0
ctrCTR(Click Through Rate)1.79
cpcCPC(Cost Per Click)24000
cvrCVR(Conversion Rate)0.00
cpaCPA(Cost Per Acquisition)0
reach_estimatedReach (estimated)0
video_startsNumber of video views started0
3_second_video_viewsNumber of 3-second views0
cost_per_3_second_playbackCost per 3-second playback0
video_watches_at_p2525% views0
video_watches_at_p5050% views0
video_watches_at_p7575% views0
video_watches_at_p9595% views0
video_completionsNumber of video views completed0
cost_per_complete_video_viewCost per video view0
installs_clicksNumber of installs (clicks)0
installs_viewsInstalls (Views)0
installs_clicks_and_viewsNumber of installs (click + view)0
installs_sk_ad_networkNumber of SKAdNetwork measurement installations0-
install_rate_clicksInstall rate (click)0.00
install_rate_sk_ad_networkInstall rate of SKAdNetwork measurement0.00-
cost_per_install_clicksCost per install (click)0
cost_per_install_clicks_and_viewsCost per install (click + view)0
cost_per_install_sk_ad_networkCost per installation of SKAdNetwork measurement0-
openNumber of app launches0
open_rateApp open rate0.00
cost_per_openCost per app launch0
view_home_screenHome Views0
view_home_rateHome Browsing Rate0.00
cost_per_view_homeCost per home visit0
category_viewCategory Views0
category_view_rateCategory browsing rate0.00
cost_per_view_categoryCost per category view0
view_productProduct views0
product_view_rateProduct view rate0.00
cost_per_view_productCost per product view0
searchNumber of searches0
search_rateSearch rate0.00
cost_per_searchCost per search0
add_to_cartNumber of additional carts0
add_to_cart_rateCart add-to-add rate0.00
cost_per_add_to_cartCost per cart addition0
purchaseNumber of purchases0
purchase_ratePurchase rate0.00
cost_per_purchaseCost per purchase0
level_achievedNumber of levels achieved0
level_achieved_rateLevel attainment rate0.00
cost_per_level_achievedCost per level achieved0
tutorial_completeNumber of tutorials completed0
tutorial_percent_completeTutorial completion rate0.00
cost_per_tutorial_completionCost per tutorial completion0

Master Data (Advertising)

Details of each column

For more information about each column, see the pages in the LINE Ads API documentation.



Example of columnname content
idCampaign ID9086311996634
nameCampaign nameWebsite conversion: 202009231306
campaign_objectiveCampaign objectiveWEBSITE_CONVERSION
configured_statusCampaign statusPAUSED
spending_limit_typeTypes of spending limitsMONTHLY
spending_limit_microMicro spending limits10000000000
start_dateStart date and time2020-09-23T13:06:00+09:00
end_dateEnd date and time1970-01-01T00:00:00Z
active_cboCampaign budget optimizationFalse
bid_strategyBid strategySET_MAX
daily_budget_microDaily budgets for budget optimization120000000000
delivery_statusAd serving statusPAUSED
delivery_status_reasonsAd serving status reasons[{'code': 'CAMPAIGN_PAUSED'}]
removed_dateDeletion date and time2021-12-22T19:39:03+09:00

Ad groups


Example of columnname content
idAd group ID8390071699113
campaign_idCampaign IDs that are parent to the ad group3149071698613
nameAd group nameAd groups: 201912201044
media_appAd group app media{"id": 100, "name": "hoge", ..., "removedDate": "2021-12-22T19:39:03+09:00"}
configured_statusAd group statusACTIVE
ad_group_learningAd group learning information{'learningStatus': 'LEARNING', 'learningStatusCode': 110, 'lastLearningStartTs': 1617843000, 'lastLearningEndTs': 1577589600, 'targetReachRatio': 0.325, 'hasLearningCompletionHistory': True}
bid_typeTypes of bidsCPC
bid_amount_microMicro bid200000000
bid_strategyBid strategySET_MAX
daily_budget_microDaily budgets for budget optimization500000000
auto_bid_typeTypes of automated biddingCLICK
auto_bid_conversion_idCustom conversion ID
first_auto_bid_conversion_idFirst custom conversion set up in an ad group
targetingAd group eligibility{'country': 'JP', 'ssps': ['1', '2'], 'includeAdvancedTargetings': [{'interests': ['4']}]}
dpa_destination_typeTypes of DPA destinationsAPP_STORE_URL
dpa_destination_urlDPA destination URL
rnf_start_dateReach start date and time2021-11-28T04:28:14+09:00
rnf_end_dateReach end date and time2021-11-28T04:28:14+09:00
rnf_frequencyReach frequency2
in_stream_video_includedWhether or not you have in-stream adsFalse
delivery_statusAd serving statusNOT_DELIVERING
delivery_status_reasonsAd serving status reasons[{'code': 'CAMPAIGN_ENDED'}, {'code': 'CAMPAIGN_PAUSED'}, {'code': 'ACTIVE_ad_group_learning'}]
removed_dateDeletion date and time2021-04-12T15:33:35+09:00



Example of columnname content
idAdvertising ID6165682099767
ad_account_idAd-parent ad account IDA41527163126
ad_group_idAd group ID whose parent is the ad8390071699113
nameAd nameAdvertisement: 201912201045
creativeAd creatives{'id': 5165682099767, 'creativeFormat': 'IMAGE', 'title': 'trocco', 'description': 'Full Data Integration Automation Service',}
configured_statusAd statusACTIVE
imp_track_urlImpression tracking URL
view_track_urlView-through conversion tracking URL
delivery_statusAd serving statusNOT_DELIVERING
delivery_status_reasonsAd serving status reasons[{'code': 'CAMPAIGN_ENDED'}, {'code': 'CAMPAIGN_PAUSED'}, {'code': 'ACTIVE_ad_group_learning'}]
removed_dateDeletion date and time2021-04-08T16:28:07+09:00

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