Forwarding source - Adobe Marketo Engage
  • 17 Jul 2024
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Forwarding source - Adobe Marketo Engage

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Article summary


Help page for setting up Adobe Marketo Engage to transfer data.


  • In order to use the filter on the renewal date, you need to apply for API function activation to the Marketo Support Desk.
    Please apply for activation of the filter function using updatedAt in the Bulk Lead Extract API by the customer.

Setting items

STEP1 Basic settings

common area

item nameindispensabledefault valueContents
Adobe Marketo Engage Connection InformationYes--
targetYes-Select the type of data to be acquired.
The data that can be obtained are as follows
Program Members
Leads by static list
Custom Objects
Activity Type

When the target is the lead

item nameindispensabledefault valueContents
Date & Time ColumnsNoUse createdAtDoes it retrieve data created during the period specified in the retrieval period (createdAt)?
You can choose to retrieve updated data (updatedAt).
Acquisition periodNo-Enter the start and end dates of the narrowing range.
Please enter in YYYYY-MM-DD format. (Example. 2020-11-19)

When the target is an activity

item nameindispensabledefault valueContents
Acquisition periodNo-Enter the start and end dates of the narrowing range.
Please enter in YYYYY-MM-DD format. (Example :. 2020-11-19)

When the target is a program member

item nameindispensabledefault valueContents
program ID filterNo-Enter the program ID of the data you wish to retrieve, separated by commas. If not entered, all members under all programs will be covered. (Example :. (111,222,333)

When the target is a lead by static list

item nameindispensabledefault valueContents
list-ID filterNo-Enter the comma-separated list IDs of the data you wish to retrieve. If not entered, all leads under all lists will be targeted. (Example :) (111,222,333)

When the target is a custom object

item nameindispensabledefault valueContents
API NameNo-Specify the API name of the custom object you wish to retrieve.
It is usually in the form of a custom object name with "_c".
A list of API names that can be specified can be displayed by clicking the " Load API Name List " button.
fieldNo-Specify the field name of the custom object you wish to retrieve.
A list of field names that can be specified can be displayed by clicking the " Load Field Name Candidates " button.
Filter typeNo-Specify the condition of the custom object to be retrieved.
Only integer and searchable fields can be treated as filters.
If there is no column that corresponds to this, data transfer is not possible.
You can view a list of available fields by reading the available filter types.
Filter rangeNo-Specifies the range of data values to be retrieved with respect to the value specified in the filter type.
The default value of the start value is 1. If no end value is specified, data with a value greater than the start value can be retrieved.
However, data acquisition is filtered by 300 values at a time, and data acquisition is terminated when there is no data to acquire.

When the target is a folder

item nameindispensabledefault valueContents
root folder IDNo-Specify the ID of the root folder that will be the starting point for retrieving data. If not entered, the folder with the workspace name becomes the root folder.
root folder typeYesfolderSelect the type of root folder that will be the starting point for retrieving data. The default value is a folder.
Maximum data acquisition depthYes2Specify the maximum folder hierarchy of the data you wish to retrieve. The default value is 2.
workspaceNo-Specify the workspace of the data you wish to retrieve. If not entered, all folders under all workspaces will be covered.

About the data that can be obtained

lead (in a game, dance, etc.)

When the target is a read, the columns of data to be retrieved are all the columns retrieved by GET /rest/v1/leads/describe.json.


When the target is an activity, the columns of data to be retrieved are those in the table below.

column nameContents
marketoGUIDMarketo GUID
leadIdLead Id
activityDateDate the activity took place
activityTypeIdactivity type ID
campaignIdcampaign ID
primaryAttributeValueIdMarketform ID, etc.
primaryAttributeValueMarquette form name, etc.
attributesDetailed Activity Information


When the target is a campaign, the columns of data to be retrieved are those in the table below.

column nameContents
idcampaign ID
nameCampaign Name
descriptionexplanatory note
typeCampaign Type
Show trigger or batch
workspaceNameworkspace name
updatedAtupdate date
activeIndicate whether the campaign is active or inactive


When the target is a program, the columns of data to be retrieved are those in the table below.

column nameContents
idprogram ID
sfdcNameSFDC Name
descriptionexplanatory note
updatedAtupdate date
startDateStart Date
endDateEnd Date
urluniform resouce locator
typetype name
channelChannel Name
folderInformation about the folder

Program Members

When the target is a program member, the columns of data to be retrieved are all the columns retrieved by GET /rest/v1/programs/members/describe.json.

Lead by static list

When the target is a read, the columns of data to be retrieved are all the columns retrieved by GET /rest/v1/leads/describe.json plus the static list ID.

custom object

When the target is a custom object, the columns of data to be retrieved are those specified in the field.


When the target is a list, the columns of data to be retrieved are those in the table below.

column namecontent
idlist id
programNamethe name of the program that contains the list
workspaceNameworkspace name
createdAtCreation Date
updatedAtupdated Date

Activity Type

When the target is an activity type, the columns of data to be retrieved are those in the table below.

column namecontent
idactivity type ID
nameactivity type name
primaryAttributeContents of the activity's primaryAttribute
attributescontent of attributes of activity
apiNamecreation date


When the target is a folder, the columns of data to be retrieved are those in the table below.

column namecontent
idfolder id
namefolder name
createdAtCreation Date
updatedAtupdated Date
folderIdInformation about the folder
parentInformation about the parent folder
isArchivearchive folder or not
isSystemis the system folder or not?

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