Transfer from - Salesforce
  • 17 Jul 2024
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Transfer from - Salesforce

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Article summary


This is a help page for setting up the transfer of record data managed in Salesforce, such as business meetings, leads, business partners, and custom objects.


Setting items

STEP1 Basic settings

item nameindispensabledefault valueContents
Salesforce Connection InformationYes-Select the previously registered Salesforce connection information that has the necessary permissions for this transfer setting.
API VersionYes54.0Enter the version of the Salesforce API.
objectYes-Enter the name of the object containing the data you wish to transfer.
You can also load a list from the Load Object List.
Object Acquisition MethodYes-Select one of the following options: transfer****all object items or write a query (SOQL) and transfer.
queryYes-This is displayed when you write a query (SOQL) and select transfer.
Write your query in SOQL (Salesforce Object Query Language ) format.
For information on how to create a SO QL, see How to Create a SOQL from the Developer Console.
Extraction of deleted and archived recordsYesnon-extractiveSelect whether or not records that have been deleted or archived in Salesforce should be included in the extraction. When "Extract" is selected, records that have been deleted or archived are also included in the extraction.
type conversion modeYesUse type guess resultsSelect the type conversion mode.
  • Use type guess result: The column type is automatically guessed.
  • Change custom columns to STRING type: All custom column types except BOOLEAN type are changed to STRING type.

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