Data Source - Shopify
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    Data Source - Shopify

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    Article summary


    Help Page for ETL Configuration of Shopify Data Settings.

    Setting items

    STEP1 Basic settings

    item nameindispensabledefault valueContents
    Shopify Connection ConfigurationYes-Select the previously registered Connection Configuration that has the necessary permissions for this ETL Configuration. If you do not have a registered Connection Configuration, please go to Add Connection Configuration to create one.
    Connection Configuration requires either a custom app created from the Shopify admin panel to generate an access token, or a private app (deprecated) to generate an API key and password. Please grant read access privileges for product management, order management, and customer management, respectively.
    targetYes-Select the data type to be acquired from the following
     *If you select a metafield or transaction or collection, you must use a custom app-based Connection Configuration in the Shopify Connection Configuration. In addition, the metafield and transaction preview screens display results based on dummy data.
    Please refer to the following reference for specific items that can be obtained.
    Owner TypeYes-Only metafields can be specified.
    Select the type of owner (order, customer, or product) to which the meta field is associated.
    creation-dayNo-Select the start and end dates for the creation date of the data to be searched.
    The format is (%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S%z).
    update dateNo-Select the start and end dates for the update date of the data to be searched.
    The format is (%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S%z).
    Order StatusYes-Only orders can be specified.
    Specify the order status. For a description of each item, please refer to this STATUS item .
    Financial StatusYes-Only orders can be specified.
    Specifies financial status. For a description of each item, please refer to the financial_status item here.
    fulfillment statusNo-Only orders can be specified.
    Specify the fulfillment status. For a description of each item, please refer to the FULFILLMENT_STATUS item here.
    publication dateNo-Only products can be specified.
    Select the start and end dates for the release date of the data to be searched.
    The format is (%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S%z).
    Product StatusNo-Only products can be specified.
    Specify the commodity status. For a description of each item, please refer to this STATUS item .
    Publication StatusNo-Only products can be specified.
    Specifies the publication status. For a description of each item, please refer to the published_status item here.

    Available data


    API Documentation:


    column (esp. in chemistry, file, equipment, etc.)type (e.g. of machine, goods, etc.)Description.
    idlongNumeric part of Iadmin_graphql_api_id
    admin_graphql_api_idstringID (for GraphQL)
    namespacestringNamespace for grouping metafields
    keystringMetafield identifier that is unique for each namespace
    valuestringMeta Field Value
    owner_typestringOwner Type
    Type of object to which the metafield is associated (order / customer / product)
    typestringvalue data types ( Metafield types)
    legacy_resource_idlongID (for REST API)
    created_attimestampCreation Date
    updated_attimestampUpdate Date
    owner_idlongNumeric part of admin_graphql_api_owner_id
    admin_graphql_api_owner_idstringID of the object to which the metafield is attached (for GraphQL)


    API Documentation:


    column (esp. in chemistry, file, equipment, etc.)type (e.g. of machine, goods, etc.)Description.
    account_numberstringAccount number associated with the payment masking the previous 12 digits
    amount_set_presentment_money_amountdoubleCustomer Display Amount
    amount_set_presentment_money_currency_codestringCustomer Display Currency
    amount_set_shop_money_amountdoubleStore Settlement Amount
    amount_set_shop_money_currency_codestringStore Settlement Currency
    authorization_codestringAuthentication Code
    authorization_expires_attimestampAuthentication expiration date (available for Shopify Plus plans only)
    created_attimestampCreation Date
    error_codestringerror code
    formatted_gatewaystringPayment gateway (formatted notation)
    gatewaystringPayment Gateway
    idlongID (for REST API)
    admin_api_graphql_idstringID (for GraphQL)
    kindstringSettlement Type
    manually_capturablebooleanManual Capture Availability
    maximum_refundable_v2_amountdoubleRefundable amount
    maximum_refundable_v2_currency_codestringRefundable Currency
    multi_capturablebooleanMultiple Capture Availability
    order_idlongID of the order to which the transaction is tied (for REST API)
    admin_api_graphql_order_idstringID of the order to which the transaction is tied (for GraphQL)
    parent_transaction_idlongID of parent transaction (for REST API)
    admin_api_graphql_parent_transaction_idstringID of parent transaction (for GraphQL)
    payment_icon_alt_textstringsettlement company
    processed_attimestampProcessing Date
    receiptjson(formal) receipt
    settlement_currencystringSettlement Currency
    settlement_currency_ratedoublesettlement rate
    shopify_payment_set_extended_authorization_expires_attimestampExtended authorization period expiration date
    shopify_payment_set_standard_authorization_expires_attimestampAuthorization period expiration date
    statusstringSettlement Status
    testbooleanTest Settlement Flag
    total_unsettled_set_presentment_money_amountdoubleAmount Capable of Capture by Customer Display Amount
    total_unsettled_set_presentment_money_currency_codestringCapable of capturing in customer display currency
    total_unsettled_set_shop_money_amountdoubleCapturable by Shop Settlement Amount
    total_unsettled_set_sho_money_currency_codestringCapturable in store settlement currency


    API Documentation:


    column (esp. in chemistry, file, equipment, etc.)type (e.g. of machine, goods, etc.)Description.
    description_htmlstringRemarks (HTML)
    handlestringString that is unique for each collection
    idstringID (for GRAPHQL API)
    legacy_resource_idstringID (for REST API)
    products_countlongNumber of productions in the collection
    sort_orderstringSort order of productions in the collection
    template_suffixstringSuffix for the collection used for Liquidtemplate
    titlestringcollection name
    updated_attimestampUpdate Date

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