Transfer source - Microsoft SQL Server
  • 17 Jul 2024
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Transfer source - Microsoft SQL Server

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Article summary


Help page for setting up data transfer from Microsoft SQL Server.


Setting items

STEP1 Basic settings

item nameindispensabledefault valueContents
Microsoft SQL Server Connection InformationYes-From the previously registered connection information, select the one that has the necessary authority for this transfer setting.
databaseYes-Specify the name of the database in which the data you wish to retrieve is stored.
schemaYes-Specify the name of the schema in which the data you wish to retrieve is stored.
Transfer MethodYesTransfer using querySelect either transfer or differential transfer****using the query.
For more information on differential transfer, see Differential Transfer Function.
queryYes-Enter if you selected transfer using query as the transfer method.
Enter SQL to retrieve transfer data.
tableYes-Enter this field if you selected differential transfer as the transfer method.
Enter the name of the table containing the data you wish to transfer.
Default time zoneYesUTCIf the column was of type date/time/datetime, specify which time zone the time should be in.

STEP2 Detailed settings

item namedefault valueContents
Number of records processed by the cursor at one time10000You can specify the number of rows to retrieve at a time.
Connection timeout (seconds)300You can specify a timeout in seconds before the driver connects.
When set to 0, the default for Microsoft SQL Server is 15 seconds.
Socket timeout (seconds)1800You can specify a timeout in seconds before the query is executed.
When set to 0, there is no timeout.

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