Forwarded from - X Ads (formerly Twitter Ads)
  • 17 Jul 2024
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Forwarded from - X Ads (formerly Twitter Ads)

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Article summary


Help page for setting up X Ads (formerly Twitter Ads) Analytics data transfer.

Setting items

STEP1 Basic settings

item nameindispensabledefault valueContents
X Ads (formerly Twitter Ads) Connection InformationYes-From the previously registered connection information, select the one that has the necessary authority for this transfer setting.
For more information, see X Ads (formerly Twitter Ads) connection information.
Ad Account IDYes-Specify the ID of the account from which you want to retrieve data.
Acquisition TargetYes-Select the type of data you wish to transfer from the following
  • account report
  • campaign report
  • line_item report
  • media_creative report (beta version)
  • promoted_tweet report (beta version)
  • card
  • Report acquisition periodYes-Specify if you have selected a target other than " card".
    Enter the start and end dates of the data you wish to retrieve, as well as the time zone for the retrieval period.

    STEP1 Detailed settings

    This can be specified when "card" is selected as the acquisition target.
    Click on Set Details to display the configuration items.

    item nameindispensabledefault valueContents
    Entity acquisition periodNo-This can be specified when "card" is selected as the acquisition target.
    You can enter the start and end dates of the data you wish to retrieve, as well as the time zone for the retrieval period.
    Regarding the acquisition period

    Due to the specifications of the Twitter Ad API, the following flow is used to acquire data for each.

    • If you select an item other than card as the acquisition target
      • First, retrieve all entities present on the Twitter ad.
      • Retrieve records from the retrieved entity according to the retrieval period entered.
    • If card is selected as the acquisition target
      • First, retrieve all entities present on the Twitter ad.
      • From the retrieved entities, those with created_at within the retrieval period entered are retrieved as records.
      • If you do not enter a retrieval period, records for all entities will be retrieved.

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