Forwarding - ValueCommerce
  • 17 Jul 2024
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Forwarding - ValueCommerce

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Article summary


Help page for setting up ValueCommerce data transfer.

Obtainable data

Get the following items from the ValueCommerce API.

Please note that the choice of affiliate site or advertiser is made on the ValueCommerce connection information side.

Setting items

STEP1 Basic settings

item nameindispensabledefault valueContents
subject (of taxation, etc.)Yesaffiliate siteSelect either the affiliate site or the advertiser.
The available connection information will be narrowed down based on the results of this entry selection.
ValueCommerce Connection InformationYes-Select the preregistered ValueCommerce connection information that has the necessary permissions for this transfer setup.
Data acquisition periodYes-Enter the start and end dates and specify the period for which data will be retrieved.
Also, select the base date for the acquisition period from the acquisition criteria.
  • Processing (Approval/Rejection) Date
  • click day
  • Ordering Date
  • Order data insertion date
  • Restriction on data acquisition period
    • The data acquisition period ranges up to 6 months.
      • The difference between the end date and the start date should not be more than 6 months.
    • Data up to 25 months in the past can be obtained.
      • The start date must be a date within the last 25 months based on when the job was executed.

    If you select an affiliate site

    item nameindispensabledefault valueContents
    Advertiser IDNo-You can enter your advertiser ID.
    The retrieved data will be filtered based on the input.
    Advertiser NameNo-You can enter the name of the advertiser.
    The retrieved data will be filtered based on the input.
    program IDNo-You can enter your program ID.
    The retrieved data will be filtered based on the input.
    program-nameNo-You can enter a program name.
    The retrieved data will be filtered based on the input.
    Order IDNo-You can enter your order ID.
    The retrieved data will be filtered based on the input.
    Point ParametersNo-Point parameters can be entered.
    The retrieved data will be filtered based on the input.
    referrerNo-You can enter referrers.
    The retrieved data will be filtered based on the input.
    Orders placed via published adsYesincludeSelect whether or not to include orders placed through the listed ads.
    Order via Value Point ClubYesincludeSelect whether to include orders via the ValuePoint Club.
    Order via Dynamic LPYesExclusion.Select whether to encompass orders via dynamic LP via orders.
    Exclude is selected by default.

    Please select "Include" for either orders placed through****the listed ads or orders placed through the Value Point Club.

    STEP1 Detailed settings

    Click on Advanced Settings to display the configuration items.

    If you select an advertiser

    item nameindispensabledefault valueContents
    program typeNo-You can enter the program type.
    The retrieved data will be filtered based on the input.
    The following inputs are supported.
  • Web Program
  • Email Program
  • Mobile Program
  • If you wish to specify multiple program types, please enter them separated by commas.
    program-nameNo-You can enter a program name.
    The retrieved data will be filtered based on the input.
    Affiliate Site TypeNo-You can enter the affiliate site type.
    The retrieved data will be filtered based on the input.
    The following inputs are supported.
  • Web site
  • e-mail magazine
  • mobile
  • If you wish to specify multiple affiliate site types, please enter them separated by commas.
    Affiliate Site NameNo-You can enter the name of the affiliate site.
    The retrieved data will be filtered based on the input.

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