Forwarding source - Yahoo! Search Ads
  • 17 Jul 2024
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Forwarding source - Yahoo! Search Ads

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Article summary


Help page for setting up data transfer from Yahoo! Search Ads.
Ads API to retrieve data.


Setting items

STEP1 Basic settings

item nameindispensabledefault valueContents
Ads API Connection InformationYes-Select from the pre-registered Yahoo! Ads API connection information that has the necessary permissions for this transfer setting.
Base Account IDYes-Connection information Yahoo! Select an account (MCC account or advertising account) for which the JAPAN Business ID has direct authority.
The operation will be available for the selected account and all accounts under it.
account IDYes-Enter the account ID for which data is to be retrieved that can be operated with the selected base account ID.
Account IDs can be found on the Manage Search Ads administration page.
ServiceYesReportDefinitionServiceSelect the service for which you wish to acquire data from the following
  • ReportDefinitionService
  • CampaignExportService
  • If ReportDefinitionService is selected

    item nameindispensabledefault valueContents
    Report TypeYes-Select the report type. Each report has different items that can be retrieved.
    Data acquisition periodYes-Enter the start and end dates of the narrowing range.
    Please enter in YYYYYYMMDD format. (Example. (20201119)
    column (esp. in chemistry, file, equipment, etc.)No-Enter the column (field) to be retrieved.
    For details, see the fields that can be obtained with the ReportDefinitionService described below.
    Filter settingsNo-You can choose to transfer only records with impressions of 1 or more.
    Loading report template

    When a report with a report template is selected in the report type, the main fields of the report type can be set at once by clicking on "Import Report Template".

    Fields that can be retrieved

    Fields that can be obtained with the ReportDefinitionService

    Marketing Solutions As described in the official documentation of Yahoo!
    Open the csv file of the report type you wish to retrieve and refer to the Field Name column.

    Behavior Type

    The Behavior Type column in the csv file of the official documentation indicates the type of refinement behavior in the Yahoo!

    • ATTRIBUTE: Indicates an attribute in the report.
    • SEGMENT: Represents the axis of the search.
    • METRIC: Represents the number obtained by the refinement.
    Field with no imprint and an action segment column of SEGMENT

    Fields with an operation segment column of SEGMENT are not retrieved if the number of impressions is 0, even if the filter setting is disabled.

    Fields that cannot be retrieved at the same time

    Due to API specifications, there are some field combinations that cannot be retrieved at the same time.
    Please refer to the Not compatible fields column in the csv file in the official documentation.

    Fields to be retrieved by CampaignExportService

    When CampaignExportService is selected for a service, the following fields are automatically loaded
    If you wish to change the column names during transfer, or if there are unnecessary fields, please edit them in the column definitions in Transfer Settings STEP 2.

    Field NameField Name Summary (Japanese)Field Name Summary (English)
    CAMPAIGN_NAMECampaign NameCampaign Name
    AD_GROUP_NAMEAd group nameAd Group Name
    ENTITY_NAMEComponent TypeComponent Type
    ENTITY_STATUSdelivery setupDisplay Settings
    DISPLAY_STATUSDelivery StatusDisplay Status
    BULK_MATCH_TYPEmatch typeMatch Type
    MANU_OPT_BIDbidding priceBid
    AD_NAMEAdvertisement NameAd Name
    BULK_AD_TYPEAd TypeAd Type
    HEADLINE_1Title 1Title1
    HEADLINE_2Title 2Title2
    HEADLINE_3Title 3Title3
    DESCRIPTION1Description 1Description1
    DESCRIPTION2Description 2Description2
    DISPLAY_URLdisplay URLDisplay URL
    PATH_1Directory 1Directory1
    PATH_2Directory 2Directory2
    ADVANCED_URLLast Linked URLFinal URL
    ADVANCED_MOBILE_URLURL for SmartphoneSmartphone final URL
    TRACKING_URLtracking URLTracking URL
    CUSTOM_PARAMETERCustom ParametersCustom Parameters
    BUDGET_AMOUNTCampaign budget (daily)Campaign Daily Budget
    START_YMDCampaign Start DateCampaign Start Date
    END_YMDCampaign End DateCampaign End Date
    PLATFORM_BID_MULTIPLIERSmartphone Bid Price Adjustment Percentage (%)Smartphone Bid Adjustment (%)
    BULK_DEVICE_PREFERENCEpreferred deviceFocus Device
    CAMPAIGN_TYPECampaign TypeCampaign Type
    AD_ROTATION_MODEPriority display of highly effective advertisementsFrequently run better-performing ads
    CAMPAIGN_IDcampaign IDCampaign ID
    AD_GROUP_IDadvertising group IDAd Group ID
    CRITERION_IDKeyword IDKeyword ID
    AD_TRACK_IDAd ID for trackingAd Track ID
    RAS_HEADLINE_1Title 1 (Asset)Title 1 (asset)
    RAS_HEADLINE_POSITION1Display position of Title 1Title 1 Position
    RAS_HEADLINE_2Title 2 (Asset)Title 2 (asset)
    RAS_HEADLINE_POSITION2Title 2 display positionTitle 2 Position
    RAS_HEADLINE_3Title 3 (Asset)Title 3 (asset)
    RAS_HEADLINE_POSITION3Title 3 display positionTitle 3 Position
    RAS_HEADLINE_4Title 4 (Assets)Title 4 (asset)
    RAS_HEADLINE_POSITION4Title 4 display positionTitle 4 Position
    RAS_HEADLINE_5Title 5 (Assets)Title 5 (asset)
    RAS_HEADLINE_POSITION5Title 5 display positionTitle 5 Position
    RAS_HEADLINE_6Title 6 (Assets)Title 6 (asset)
    RAS_HEADLINE_POSITION6Title 6 display positionTitle 6 Position
    RAS_HEADLINE_7Title 7 (Asset)Title 7 (asset)
    RAS_HEADLINE_POSITION7Title 7 display positionTitle 7 Position
    RAS_HEADLINE_8Title 8 (Asset)Title 8 (asset)
    RAS_HEADLINE_POSITION8Title 8 display positionTitle 8 Position
    RAS_HEADLINE_9Title 9 (Asset)Title 9 (asset)
    RAS_HEADLINE_POSITION9Title 9 display positionTitle 9 Position
    RAS_HEADLINE_10Title 10 (Assets)Title 10 (asset)
    RAS_HEADLINE_POSITION10Title 10 display positionTitle 10 Position
    RAS_HEADLINE_11Title 11 (Assets)Title 11 (asset)
    RAS_HEADLINE_POSITION11Title 11 display positionTitle 11 Position
    RAS_HEADLINE_12Title 12 (Assets)Title 12 (asset)
    RAS_HEADLINE_POSITION12Title 12 display positionTitle 12 Position
    RAS_HEADLINE_13Title 13 (Assets)Title 13 (asset)
    RAS_HEADLINE_POSITION13Title 13 display positionTitle 13 Position
    RAS_HEADLINE_14Title 14 (Assets)Title 14 (asset)
    RAS_HEADLINE_POSITION14Title 14 display positionTitle 14 Position
    RAS_HEADLINE_15Title 15 (Assets)Title 15 (asset)
    RAS_HEADLINE_POSITION15Title 15 display positionTitle 15 Position
    RAS_DESCRIPTION1Description 1 (Asset)Description 1 (asset)
    RAS_DESCRIPTION_POSITION1Display position of description 1Description 1 Position
    RAS_DESCRIPTION2Description 2 (Asset)Description 2 (asset)
    RAS_DESCRIPTION_POSITION2Display position of description 2Description 2 Position
    RAS_DESCRIPTION3Description 3 (Asset)Description 3 (asset)
    RAS_DESCRIPTION_POSITION3Display position of description 3Description 3 Position
    RAS_DESCRIPTION4Description 4 (Asset)Description 4 (asset)
    RAS_DESCRIPTION_POSITION4Display position of description 4Description 4 Position
    ASSET_IDAd Display Option IDAd display option ID
    ASSET_TYPETypes of ad display optionsAd display option type
    ASSET_ADVANCED_URLQuick Link Final Link URLQuickLink final URL
    ASSET_ADVANCED_MOBILE_URLURL for Quick Link SmartphoneQuickLink smartphone final URL
    ASSET_TRACKING_URLQuick Link Tracking URLQuickLink tracking URL
    ASSET_CUSTOM_PARAMETERQuick Link Custom ParametersQuickLink custom parameter
    ASSET_LINK_TEXTQuick Link TextQuickLink text
    ASSET_DESCRIPTION1Quick Link Description 1QuickLink description 1
    ASSET_DESCRIPTION2Quick Link Description 2QuickLink description 2
    ASSET_CALLOUT_TEXTsupplementary textCallout text
    ASSET_HEADERSupplemental CategoryCategory
    ASSET_VALUE_1Supplemental Contents 1Text 1
    ASSET_VALUE_2Supplemental Contents 2Text 2
    ASSET_VALUE_3Supplemental Contents 3Text 3
    ASSET_VALUE_4Supplemental Contents 4Text 4
    ASSET_VALUE_5Supplemental Contents5Text 5
    ASSET_VALUE_6Supplemental Contents 6Text 6
    ASSET_VALUE_7Supplemental Contents7Text 7
    ASSET_VALUE_8Supplemental Contents8Text 8
    ASSET_VALUE_9Supplemental Contents 9Text 9
    ASSET_VALUE_10Supplemental Contents 10Text 10
    ASSET_PHONE_NUMBERPhone numberPhone Number
    CAMPAIGN_TRACK_IDCampaign ID for trackingCampaign Track ID
    AD_GROUP_TRACK_IDAd group ID for trackingAd Group Track ID
    CRITERION_TRACK_IDKeyword ID for trackingKeyword Track ID

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