dbt Job Configuration
  • 24 Jan 2023
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dbt Job Configuration

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Article Summary


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This article describes dbt job settings.

List of setting items

Common settings

name-Enter a name for the dbt job configuration.
memorandum--You can enter notes for dbt job settings.
dbt repository-Select the dbt Git repository that is linked to trocco.
Execution Commanddbt buildSelect the Run command.
You can also set options and their values.
For details, refer to the corresponding dbt command.
Number of threads1Sets the number of models that dbt can process at one time.
The maximum number of threads that can be set is 16.
For more information on the number of threads, see understanding-threads.
Number of threads

When the dbt command is executed, it first creates a directed cycle graph (DAG) of the links between the models.
The number of threads specifies the maximum number of graph paths that dbt can process at one time.

Note that increasing the number of threads generally shortens execution time, but increases the load on the adapter.
Therefore, the optimal number of threads depends on the data warehouse and its configuration.

Settings for each adapter

The following settings differ depending on the adapter set in the dbt Git repository.

If the adapter is Google BigQuery

Item nameRequired
Google BigQuery connection informationSelect the Google BigQuery connection information.
For details, please refer to the connection information of BigQuery.
DatasetEnter the dataset name to output data to.

If the adapter is Snowflake

Item nameRequired
Snowflake connection informationSelect the connection information for Snowflake.
See Snowflake Connection Information for more information.
You can use either "User Password Authentication" or "Key Pair Authentication" as the authentication method for the connection information.
WarehouseEnter the name of the warehouse that you want to use for processing.
databaseEnter the name of the database to which you want to output data.
schemaEnter the schema name of the data destination.
roll-Enter a role name that summarizes the permissions required to use Snowflake.
For more information about roles, see Snowflake Connection Information Supplement.

If the adapter is Amazon Redshift

Item nameRequired
Redshift connection informationChoose your Amazon Redshift connection information.
For more information, see Amazon Redshift connection information.
databaseEnter the name of the database to which you want to output data.
schemaEnter the schema name of the data destination.

Corresponding dbt command

The following are the dbt commands supported by trocco:
For more information about the dbt command, see dbt Command reference.

Functions attached to the dbt command

trocco provides optional arguments and custom variables for dbt commands.

command namesoverview
dbt buildBuild all resources in the project.
dbt depsInstall the package.
dbt runRun the model file.
dbt seedTransfer the CSV file to the adapter.
dbt snapshotRun the snapshot job.
dbt testRun the test.
dbt run-operationRun the macro.
Please enter the macro name in the box below.

Various operations of dbt job settings

DBT job settings list screen


DBT job setting details screen


Duplicate dbt job settings

dbt job settings cannot be replicated.

(1) New addition

Add a new dbt job setting. The new screen appears.

(2) Edit

Edit the dbt job settings. The details screen appears.

(3) Execution

Run the dbt job. The execution screen appears.

(4) Delete

Delete the dbt job configuration.

Once you delete the dbt job settings, you cannot undo them. Please be careful.

(5) Author

When using the team function, the creator of the dbt job setting has the same operation privileges as a user with the administrator role for the setting.
For more information, see "Role permissions" below.

Role permissions

If you use the Teams feature

DBT job settings are treated as resources in Trocco.

Editing dbt job settings---
Deleting dbt job settings---
Running a dbt job--
Viewing dbt job settings-
Viewing dbt job execution history-
Adding a new dbt job setting

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