About the GitHub Pull Request Review Feature
  • 17 Jul 2024
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About the GitHub Pull Request Review Feature

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Article summary


The GitHub Pull Request (Pull Request) Review function works with GitHub to create a Pull Request for changes to the transfer settings.
You can use this service to review and confirm changes.
This page describes the configuration of the GitHub pull request review function and an example of its use.

Plan Restrictions

The GitHub Pull Request Review feature is available only for subscribed accounts on the Advanced plan and above.

Services supported by this function

The GitHub pull request review function is only supported on GitHub.
It is not available for other services such as GitLab.

Preparation and Use

Since this is an optional feature, the following two options must be enabled
* Git repository integration functionality
* GitHub pull request review function

Setting up a Git repository linkage

You will need to set up your GitHub repository in advance.
For more information, please refer to About Git Repository Linkage.

Setting up a GitHub Personal Access Token

Issue and register a GitHub account and access token for each TROCCO user who creates a pull request.

  1. Click External****Connections>GitHub Access Token in the left sidebar.

  2. Enter your GitHub access token.

Issue GitHub access token

New personal access token (classic ) can be issued.
Below is an example of issuing a GitHub access token.

  1. Pull Request Creation will appear on the Confirm/Apply screen in STEP 3 of Edit Transfer Settings.

Flow from creating a Pull Request to saving the forwarding configuration

If you are using the Team function

If you are using the Team function, you must select the resource group associated with the linked Git repository in the "Resource Group" section of STEP 1 of the Transfer Settings edit to create a pull request.

About saving transfer settings

Even if you are using the GitHub pull request review feature, it is possible to save the transfer settings without going through the process of creating a Pull Request.
Please note that if you are designing a business process that assumes the creation and review of Pull Requests prior to creating or modifying new transfer settings.

  1. On the Confirm/Apply screen in STEP 3 of Edit Transfer Settings, click Create Pull Request.

  2. Enter a Pull Request title and click Create Pull Request.

  3. From the draft confirmation screen, click Confirm Pull Request.
    The Pull requests page on GitHub will be opened.

  4. If there are no problems after review, merge.

  5. Open TROCCO's draft confirmation screen again and click Save. Changes to the transfer settings will take effect.

Reflects changes in transfer settings

Changes to the transfer settings on TROCCO are not reflected at the stage of merging a Pull Request on GitHub.
Be sure to click Save on the TROCCO to reflect your changes.

When transfer settings cannot be saved

If neither merge nor close has been performed on the pull request, you cannot click save.
Please merge or close on GitHub first.

supplementary information

When you want to update a Pull Request

In some cases, changes are made to the transfer settings again after a Pull Request has been created.
At this time, the Pull Request can also be updated according to the changes.

  1. From the Draft Confirmation screen, click Resume Editing from Draft.

  2. Edit the draft of the transfer settings in STEP1 and STEP2.

  3. On the Confirm/Apply screen of STEP 3, Edit Draft of Transfer Settings, click Update Pull Request and Save Draft.

  4. Click Update Remote Branch.
    Clicking on the button will cause an additional commit to be made to the remote branch and the changes will follow the Pull Request.

When you want to update transfer settings without applying a pull request

Once you create a Pull Request, the Save button will be disabled until you merge or close it, and you will not be able to reflect changes in the transfer settings.
This section explains how to enable the Save button again without merging the Pull Request.

  1. Open the target Pull Request page.
    You can also open a Pull Request by clicking " Confirm Pull Request" on the Draft Confirmation screen.

  2. Close the Pull Request.

  3. Deletes a remote branch.

Delete remote branch to which Pull Request is attached

Be sure to delete the remote branch.

The save button on TROCCO's draft confirmation screen will be activated when step 2 above is completed, though,
Until the remote branch to which the relevant Pull Request is attached is deleted, the Pull Request cannot be created again.

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