How to specify elements and extract values when an array is included in the source column JSON
  • 07 Dec 2022
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How to specify elements and extract values when an array is included in the source column JSON

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Article Summary


This is a machine-translated version of the original Japanese article.
Please understand that some of the information contained on this page may be inaccurate.


If the JSON of the transfer source column contains an array and you want to get and use the value of a specific element, you can get the necessary element by taking the following steps.


  1. In the item column definition on the "STEP2 Data Preview / Advanced Settings" data setting tab of the target transfer settings, check Expand JSON column of the target JSON column.

  2. Write the value you want to get as follows.

  ※例: [1].arrayName …要素1に格納されているJSONのkey:ArrayNameのvalueを取得

The following is an example of specifying an element

  1. Click the Save and Re-Preview button.

  2. Make sure the JSON array is expanded.

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