Release Notes - Jun 2022
  • 17 Jul 2024
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Release Notes - Jun 2022

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Article summary

Hello! Release information for June 2022!

data catalog


Tab information is now retained in URLs in the data catalog screen.

When transitioning between tabs and returning to the original screen with a browser back, it is now possible to go back to the point before the transition.
This allows users to more easily share specific screens of the data catalog with other users.


Suggestions are now displayed in the ON clause in the query editor.

Suggestions for conditions are now displayed based on dependencies registered in the data catalog.
This allows for faster and more accurate query creation.

Transfer Settings

In the forwarding source Google Ad Manager, it is now possible to specify whether to display the topmost ad unit or all units.

It is now possible to obtain deep hierarchical reports by child and grandchild ads.

In the forwarding source Shopify, you can now specify Metafield as the target.

Shopify can now retrieve data from a Metafield that has been defined independently by Shopify.
It can be acquired in various target units such as PRODUCT and ORDER.


TROCCO batch registration added to workflow task

The transfer settings associated with a batch registration can be executed in a batch.



In addition, the following modifications and others have been added
* When CDC is used at the transfer source, up to 5 retries are performed at once.

**The contents of this release are described above. **
**Please feel free to contact our Customer Success Representative if you have a release you are interested in. **
Happy Data Engineering!

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