Release Notes - August 2022
  • 17 Jul 2024
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Release Notes - August 2022

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Article summary

Hello! Release information for August 2022!

data catalog

Basic metadata is displayed on the column information screen

The basic metadata items "logical name" and "description" can now be selected whether or not to be displayed in the column list.

The above can be set from "TROCCO Basic Metadata Settings" in "Data Catalog Settings".

Download query execution results in CSV

Query Editor can now download query execution results in CSV format.

Query execution result download file size limit

The maximum file size of the CSV file that can be downloaded is 10 MB.
Lines that exceed the file size limit are truncated.

Edit metadata in the Markdown editor

The "Description" field of basic metadata and any field value of user-defined metadata can now be edited in the Markdown editor.


User-defined metadata fields can be configured from "Template for User-defined Metadata" in "Data Catalog Settings".
Specify Text(Markdown) as the data type for the fields for which you want to use the Markdown editor.

Help Document Publication

A help document on data catalogs is now available.
For more information, see About the Data Catalog.

dbt linkage

dbt integration functionality has been released 🎉.

  • We provide a runtime environment for the OSS version of dbt and GitHub integration.
  • The flow from ETL to data modeling can be defined on the TROCCO workflow function.
  • As of the end of August 2022, the following three dbt Git repository adapters are supported
    • Google BigQuery
    • Snowflake
    • Amazon Redshift
  • Please refer to the press release for more information, including future release plans.

managed data transfer

Managed data transfer functionality has been released 🎉.

Managed data transfer is an evolution of the existing batch registration function.
In addition to batch import of tables on the data source side, it is now possible to automatically detect increases or decreases in tables on the data source side and notify Slack, and to easily perform batch execution of transfer jobs on the workflow function.

Supported connectors for managed data transfer

As of the end of August 2022, only source MySQL and destination Google BigQuery are supported.

Add Managed Forwarding Configuration

Table increase/decrease can be detected automatically.

In STEP3 "Notification of table increase/decrease detection results and batch label settings", you can configure settings for notification of table increase/decrease detection results.

Managed Forwarding Configuration List

You can see a list of the Managed Forwarding settings you added earlier.
In addition to the detailed screen for each managed forwarding setting, you can also navigate to the detailed screen for individual forwarding settings under each managed forwarding setting with a single click.

Managed Forwarding Configuration Details Screen

You can manually add tables for the relevant managed forwarding settings or delete individual forwarding settings under your control.

A dialog box is also displayed when an increase or decrease in the table is detected.

Workflow Definition

Batch execution of transfer jobs under Managed Transfer Settings

TROCCO Managed Transfer Settings" has been added as a task that can be added to the flow edit of a workflow definition.
This allows batch execution of jobs for transfer settings under each managed transfer setting.



Transfer Settings

HubSpot added to the forwarding destination 🎉.

A merge can be performed on a contact object.

TROCCO added to transfer source 🎉.

Data related to "user-defined metadata" and "column reference list" held in TROCCO's data catalog can be transferred.

Folders are supported at the source Marketo target.

The data of the folder can now be retrieved by the forwarding source Marketo.

Added ability to support custom variables 🎉.

Custom variables are now supported in the following functions
* Filter values in filter settings in Transfer Settings STEP 2 "Data Preview and Advanced Settings".

  • Key and value in the "HTTP header" of the source HTTP (S)


List of forwarding settings

Added "creator" to narrowing items

Listed transfer settings can now be narrowed down by "creator".

Narrowing item "Name (partial match)" supports AND search.

AND searches can now be performed by entering entries separated by spaces.
* When searching for a single word
image{height="" width="500"}
* AND search with two words
image{height="" width="500"}

Capable of adding labels to selected transfer settings in batches

By clicking the buttons in the order described within the screen below, the label batch addition screen will appear.

Select the label of your choice and click Add.

Account/User Screen

Displays the authentication method for each user

You can check if 2-step verification and SAML verification are enabled respectively.

In addition, the following modifications and others have been added
* When line_item is selected as the report type in the forwarding source Twitter Ads, campaign_id is now included in the forwarded content.

**The contents of this release are described above. **
**Please feel free to contact our Customer Success Representative if you have a release you are interested in. **
Happy Data Engineering!

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