Release Notes - Sep. 2022
  • 17 Jul 2024
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Release Notes - Sep. 2022

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Article summary

Hello! Release information for Sept. 2022!

data catalog

Logical name displayed directly under column name in preview

Logical names are now displayed directly below column names in the preview of the table information tab.

Open Query Editor" button added to Table Info tab.

Clicking the button displays the query editor with the table that was opened in the Table Information tab specified in the FROM clause.

Added the ability to re-authenticate Google accounts.

Google account can now be re-authenticated in the data catalog settings.

User able to re-authenticate Google account

Re-authentication of Google accounts is available to all users except data catalog administrators.
For more information on data catalog managers, see Restrictions.

The procedure after clicking Reauthentication is the same as in "Access Authority to Actual Data" regarding authorization.

Automatic takeover of metadata associated with columns

For columns generated using TROCCO's DataMart function, "metadata about the data source" of the original column can now be automatically inherited.
The following is an example of the Company column of the dm_contact_lead_join table.

Check the column ancestry in the column linage of the dm_contact_lead_join table.
We can see that the Company column inherits the Company column from the lead table.

The "Metadata about Salesforce" in the Company column of the lead table is as follows

The "Metadata about Salesforce" in the Company column of the dm_contact_lead_join table is as follows
You can see that the relevant metadata has been inherited.

Note that the following conditions must be met in order for the metadata associated with a column to be taken over automatically.

Conditions for automatic transfer of metadata associated with a column

* No processing is applied to the column values on the data mart definition.
* Data transfer mode is used as the query execution mode in the data mart definition.
* Tables generated using free description mode are not subject to transfer.

dbt linkage

Custom variables are supported in the option values of the Job Settings run command.


managed data transfer

Enhanced Slack notification content for table increase/decrease detection

Previously, the number of tables added and deleted was displayed.
From now on, the name of the table will be displayed in addition to the number of tables added and deleted.

Expanded edit screen for Managed Forwarding Settings

Settings related to the source and destination of registered forwarding settings and common settings can now be changed in a batch.
Below is the procedure for batch changes.

  1. From the Managed Forwarding Settings details screen, click Edit.

  2. Click Edit on the Common Settings side of the registered transfer settings.

The Common Settings screen appears.

connection information

PostgreSQL connection information now supports connections via AWS Systems Manager Session Manager.


Transfer Settings

Supports specifying static list IDs in the forwarding destination Marketo.


Support for Excel files in file/storage connectors

Microsoft Excel files (xlsx and xls) are now supported as input file formats in the file/storage connector.
The supported connectors are as follows
* Transfer source - Amazon S3
* Transfer from - Azure Blob Storage
* Transferred from - Box
* Transfer source - FTP/FTPS
* Transfer from - Google Cloud Storage
* Transferred from - Google Drive
* Source - HTTP(S)
* Source - SFTP
* Source - local file


For automatic retries in the event of workflow failure, the time interval between the next retry execution can now be specified.
When 1 or more retries are specified for the number of retries on the workflow setup screen, a time can be specified.


List of forwarding settings

Narrow down forwarding settings by whether or not notification settings are available and whether or not schedule settings are available


Remove labels attached to selected transfer settings at once


API Update

Advertise on Yahoo!

  • API version has been updated to v8.
    • Due to an API update, the old indicator has been discontinued.
    • From now on, if a column containing "(old)" is specified in the column name, the new column will be automatically obtained.
  • For more information about the new version, please see Yahoo! Ads API v8 System Release Completion Announcement.


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**The contents of this release are described above. **
**Please feel free to contact our Customer Success Representative if you have a release you are interested in. **
Happy Data Engineering!

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