Release Notes - January 2023
  • 17 Jul 2024
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Release Notes - January 2023

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Article summary

Hello! Release information for January 2023!

data catalog

Snowflake version of the data catalog is now available 🎉.

  • Snowflake version of the data catalog function is now available.


Workflow Definition

Workflow definitions can be duplicated 🎉.

  • Workflow definitions can now be duplicated from the upper right corner of the detail screen.

Example of using the duplicate function

Duplicate workflow definitions can be used for a variety of purposes. Below is a simple example of its use.

  • Test environment construction
    - A test environment can be quickly established by duplicating the workflow definition in production and replacing parts of it for the test environment.
  • Template Operation
    - Prepare a certain workflow definition as a template in advance. By duplicating templates, multiple similar workflows can be easily created.
    - In addition, Google BigQuery data checks can be easily reused by using the duplicate function.

dbt linkage

Supported version updated to v1.3 🎉.

  • The version of dbt that TROCCO supports has been updated from v1.2 to v1.3.
    • Please refer to dbt-core v1.3.0 for more information about the new version.

connection information

JDBC driver version can be selected in PostgreSQL connection information 🎉.

  • You can now select the version of the JDBC driver that connects to the PostgreSQL server.

    • Please select the driver version according to your PostgreSQL version.
      • PostgreSQL 8.2 or higher: JDBC Driver 42.5.1
      • PostgreSQL under 8.2: 9.4 1205 JDBC 41


Transfer Settings

Additional resource types available at the forwarding source Google Ads 🎉.

API Update

Source Facebook Ad Insights and Destination Facebook Offline Conversions

  • The Facebook API used above has been updated from v14 to v15.

In addition, the following modifications and others have been added

  • Data Catalog - Table Information Screen
    • A link to the column reference list has been added to the table information screen.
    • Clicking on the link will display a list of column references defined in the table in question.

**The contents of this release are described above. **
**Please feel free to contact our Customer Success Representative if you have a release you are interested in. **
Happy Data Engineering!

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