Release Notes - July 2023
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    Release Notes - July 2023

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    Article summary

    Hello! Release information for July 2023!


    Expand data warehouses capable of checking data 🎉.

    Workflow data checking is a function that matches the results of a query to the data warehouse with error conditions, and if the conditions are met, the corresponding task can be set to error.
    With the expansion of the data warehouse that can now check data, the following data checks can be incorporated as workflow tasks.

    • Google BigQuery
    • Snowflake (added this time)
    • Amazon Redshift (added this time)

    For more information, see Workflow Data Check.

    ETL Configuration

    OAuth 2.0 added as authorization method for Data Source HTTP/HTTPS 🎉.

    OAuth 2.0 is added as an authorization method.
    This allows data to be retrieved from data sources that require OAuth authentication.
    For more information, see Data Source - HTTP/HTTPS.

    Expand file/storage system Connector that can transfer data in XML format 🎉.

    Added " XML (beta) " to the input format options for Data Source HTTP/HTTPS and****Data Source Google Drive.
    Including this change, XML-formatted data can be transferred using the following File/Storage System Connector ETL Configuration.

    • Data Source App Store Connect API
    • Data Source Azure Blob Storage
    • Data Source Box
    • Data Source FTP/FTPS
    • Data Source Google Cloud Storage
    • Data Source KARTE Datahub
    • Data Source SFTP
    • Data Source S3
    • Data Source Local Files
    • Data Source Google Drive (added this time)
    • Data Source HTTP/HTTPS (added this time)

    For more information, see About input file format settings.

    Expanded object type options for Data Destination HubSpot 🎉.

    The object type in ETL Configuration STEP 1 now allows the selection of Engagement Objects and****Custom Objects.
    Engagement Objects can be used as Data Destination for interaction-related data, while Custom Objects can be used as Data Destination for data that cannot be categorized in the Prescriptive Objects.
    For more information, see Data Destination - HubSpot.

    Support for CampaignExportService in Data Source Yahoo! Search Ads 🎉.

    Added CampaignExportService to the services for data acquisition that can be selected in ETL Configuration STEP1.
    See Data Source - Yahoo! Search Ads for the fields retrieved by the CampaignExportService.

    Added Data Source Zendesk Support to retrieve data 🎉.

    Added ticket_comments to be retrieved by Data Source Zendesk Support.
    It is now possible to retrieve and forward comment data related to tickets, including the text of the comment and the ID of the sender of the comment.
    For more information, see Data Source - Zendesk Support.

    Connection Configuration

    Allow Roles to be specified in Snowflake Connection Configuration 🎉.

    Roles can now be specified in Snowflake Connection Configuration.
    Roles that grant the necessary permissions to access Snowflake from TROCCO can be tied to Connection Configuration.
    If not entered, Snowflake's default settings are used.


    Added ETL Configuration details link when selecting ETL Configuration for workflow 🎉.

    A link to the ETL Configuration Details screen has been added to the Add TROCCO Transfer Job Task modal on the Flow Edit screen.
    This allows the contents of ETL Configuration to be viewed immediately from the flow editing screen.


    Display of Workflow definitions to be embedded on various detail pages 🎉.

    Various detail pages, such as ETL Configuration and Data Mart Configuration, which are embedded as tasks in Workflow, now display the embedded Workflow definitions.
    You can check the details on the various pages below.

    • ETL Configuration
    • Managed ETL Configuration
    • Data Mart Configuration
    • Workflow


    Fixed header size of various Data Mart Configuration screens changes with scrolling 🎉.

    Scrolling down on the New, Detail, and Edit pages of a Data Mart Configuration will reduce the height of the fixed header.
    The display area for the contents of Data Mart Configuration has been widened, increasing the amount of information displayed on the screen.

    Before ScrollAfter scrolling


    Add parameter to specify time zone in job execution request 🎉.

    Added time_zone as a request parameter for ETL Job and Workflow Job execution.
    This allows you to specify the time zone for the date and time specified in context_time.
    For more information, see About the TROCCO API.

    API Update

    Various Facebook-based Connectors that use the Facebook API

    The Facebook API used for the following Connector has been updated to v16.

    • Data Source Facebook Ad Creative
    • Data Source Facebook Ad Insights
    • Data Destination Facebook Conversions API

    For more information about the new version, see Meta for Developers.

    Data Source Criteo

    The API used in the above Connector has been updated to v2023.04.
    Please refer to Version 2023.04 release notes for more information about the new version.


    • Expanded columns forwarded from Data Source Facebook Ad Creative
    • Expansion of items that can have Custom Variables embedded in Data Source Adobe Marketo Engage.
    • Custom Variable Loop Execution Edit Form in Workflow Definitions to Suggest Snowflake Warehouses
    • Added to host choices in Braze Connection Configuration

    **The contents of this release are described above. **
    **Please feel free to contact our Customer Success Representative if you have a release you are interested in. **
    Happy Data Engineering!

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