Release Notes - December 2023
  • 17 Jul 2024
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Release Notes - December 2023

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Article summary

Hello! Release information for December 2023!

Data Mart Definition

Allow users to view the history of changes to data mart definitions 🎉.

The past change history can now be viewed at a glance on the detail screen of the data mart definition.
You can also check the change differences from the previous change history.


DataMart definition change history allows restoration of past settings 🎉.

The change history of data mart definitions can now be used to restore the settings of previous changes.
If, for example, a data mart job run after a configuration change does not produce the expected results, you can immediately revert to the settings that were in place before the change.

From the Change History tab of the Data Mart Definition Details screen, click Advanced/Restore>Restore Revision Settings to display the Data Mart Definition Edit screen.
Saving the settings displayed will restore the settings on the specified change history.


Workflow Definition

Add "HTTP Request" to the workflow task 🎉.

Added an HTTP request to the workflow task that allows external API requests to be executed.
By incorporating tasks that communicate with external systems, you can build a more flexible and powerful workflow.
HTTP request tasks can be configured and added on the flow edit screen of the workflow definition.


Workflow job notification content can embed job execution result information 🎉.

In the notification settings for workflow jobs, it is now possible to embed variables containing information on the results of job execution in the notification content.
Embed information such as the number of overall workflow tasks and****the number of failed workflow tasks, allowing for flexible customization of notification content.


Transfer Settings

Display "Recently used connectors" on the connector selection screen 🎉.

Recently used connectors are now displayed at the top of the connector selection screen when creating a new transfer setting.
It is now easier to find frequently used connectors among many connectors.


UNIX time and date/time formats can be converted and transferred to each other 🎉.

Conversion between UNIX time and date/time formats can now be set in the Data Settings tab of STEP 2 of the Transfer Settings.
You can specify the column in which date/time data is stored to convert and transfer UNIX time and date/time formats to each other.
For more information, see UNIX Time Conversion.


Show the folder ID of the source Google Drive as link text 🎉.

The folder ID of the source Google Drive displayed on the Transfer Settings detail screen is now displayed as link text.
Clicking on it will take you to the corresponding folder screen on Google Drive.
It is now easier to check what files are stored in the folder for data acquisition.


TSV file input/output setting delimiter can be 🎉.

TSV file input and output settings can now be set to enter Јt as the delimiter character.
Please use this option when setting up a transfer that uses a connector that handles TSV files and the delimiter character is a tab character.
You can set the delimiter character in the input and****output options in Transfer Settings STEP 2.


connection information

Allow users to select whether to use SSL communication for Elasticsearch connection information 🎉.

You can now choose whether or not to use SSL communication for Elasticsearch connection information.
If you need to communicate with the connecting Elasticsearch using the HTTPS method, select Enabled.



Revamped UI for programming ETL 🎉.

The UI for Data Settings > Programming ETL in Transfer Settings STEP 2 has been revamped.
Programming ETL allows for flexible conversion processes.
For more information, see Programming ETL.

API Update

Forwarded Ex Facebook Lead Ads 🎉.

The version of the Facebook API used for transfer has been updated from v16 to v17.
See Meta for Developers for the new version.

**The contents of this release are described above. **
**Please feel free to contact our Customer Success Representative if you have a release you are interested in. **
Happy Data Engineering!

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