Release Notes - Mar 2024
  • 17 Jul 2024
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Release Notes - Mar 2024

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Article summary

Hello! Release information for March 2024!

Transfer Settings

Transfer destination Azure Synapse Analytics added 🎉.

New destination Azure Synapse Analytics has been added.
For more information, see Transfer Destination - Azure Synapse Analytics.


Support for retrieving collections in forwarding source Shopify 🎉.

Collection objects can now be selected in the target of the source Shopify.
For more information, including each item to be retrieved, please refer to the forwarding source - Shopify.

Additional types that can be specified in the destination Amazon Redshift 🎉

The following items have been added as data types that can be specified in the column settings of the STEP2 output options for the destination Amazon Redshift.

  • TIME
  • DATE

Added setting to handle updates of null values transferred in destination kintone 🎉.

When the update data for an existing record in the destination KINTONE contains a NULL value, the update process can now be selected.
You can choose whether toupdate with NULL orskip updating in the advanced settings in STEP 1 of the transfer setup.

Temporary stage can be deleted when transfer job to destination Snowflake fails 🎉.

When a transfer job to the destination Snowflake fails, you can now choose to delete the temporary stage.
For more information, see Destination - Snowflake > STEP1 Advanced Settings.


Workflow Definition

Transfer job error logs can be viewed in the execution log of workflow jobs 🎉.

When a transfer job embedded in a workflow fails, the error log of the corresponding transfer job can now be viewed from the workflow execution log.
You can check the error log by clicking the corresponding task in the workflow execution log.



Maximum number of transfer settings data preview changed to 20

The maximum number of data displayed in the data preview in Transfer Settings STEP2 and Transfer Settings Details has been changed to 20.
This change shortens the time it takes for the data preview to appear in the schema data preview in Transfer Setup STEP 2.

audit log

Removed the "Restore Past Revisions" action in the transfer settings from the audit log capture.

Update transfer settings (restore past revisions of change history)" has been removed from the actions eligible for audit logging.
For more information, please refer to the Change History of the Audit Log function.

API Update

Various Facebook-based connectors that use Facebook API

The Facebook API used for the following connector has been updated from v17 to v18.

  • Forwarded by Facebook Ad Insights
  • Forwarded by Facebook Ad Creative
  • Forwarder Facebook Lead Ads
  • Forwarding Facebook Custom Audience (beta)
  • Forwarded to Facebook Conversion API

Please refer to the Meta for Developers documentation for the new version.

**The contents of this release are described above. **
**Please feel free to contact our Customer Success Representative if you have a release you are interested in. **
Happy Data Engineering!

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