Useful Settings After Creating an ETL Configuration
  • 12 Jun 2023
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Useful Settings After Creating an ETL Configuration

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Article Summary


This page outlines the various settings you can apply to your ETL Configuration after creation.

Schedule Settings enable you to automate the run timing of the configuration.
Notifications can be used to notify users about the result of the execution, such as job completion or failure, errors, etc.
Change History enables you to check any changes that have been made to the configuration, as well as the ability to restore a previous iteration.

Schedules & Notifications

You can also set up schedules and notifications for Data Mart and Workflow configurations.

ETL Configuration Details Page

The ETL Configuration details page is separated into four tabs.
For information on how to get to the ETL Configuration details page from the main page, see Running an ETL Job.


ETL Configuration Overview

Here, you can see information such as recently run jobs, data source and destination details, and an execution preview.
Additionally, you can add and remove labels using the Labels tab in the right-side menu.


Schedule Settings

Here, you can set schedules to automatically run your ETL job.
For example, by setting a schedule you can run a job every Monday at 00:00.

To set a schedule, first click Add Schedule.
trocco currently supports four schedule frequencies: hourly, daily, weekly , and monthly.




Here, you can set notifications for jobs that are run.
By setting notifications, you can achieve the following:

  • Notify if an ETL Job execution fails
  • Notify if there is a 0 record difference after a transfer completes

For information on setting up notifications, see Creating Notifications.


Change History

Here, you can view any changes made to your ETL Configuration.
You can view the details of past ETL Configurations, and the difference between the pre-edited and post-edited configurations.
If necessary, you can also restore previous iterations.

Under the Change History tab, you can achieve the following:

  • Return to the previous configuration after updating your ETL Configuration broke your pipeline
  • Checking the before and after when other users have made changes to the configuration


Restoring a Previous ETL Configuration

Click Advanced Settings & Restore for the revision you wish to restore.
Check the differences in the revision details, and if there are no issues, click the Restore Revision button.


The subsequent steps are the same as step 3 when setting up your ETL Configuration.

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