List of Release Notes
  • 17 Jul 2024
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List of Release Notes

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Article summary

This page contains weekly releases.



Limit job execution by the maximum number of simultaneous executions

TROCCO limits the number of jobs that can run simultaneously within an account.
Following the rate plan change in 04/2024, data mart jobs are now also subject to this limitation.
For more information on this limitation, please refer to Job Concurrency Limit.

dbt linkage

Compatible with dbt versions 1.7 and 1.8

dbt Core v1.7 and dbt Core v1.8 can now be specified.
The dbt version can be selected from the dbt Git repository.



Restrictions on Job Execution in the Free Plan

If you are using the Free plan, you can no longer run jobs when the cumulative monthly processing time exceeds the processing time quota.
The accumulated processing time returns to 0 hours at midnight (UTC+9) on the first day of the following month. If any jobs were not executed, they should be rerun in the following month.

Transfer Settings

Allow specifying record ID as update key in update/upsert of destination kintone.

Record IDs can now be specified as update keys.
If you wish to specify a record ID, enter $id as the update key.


API Update

Forwarded Google Ads Conversions

Regarding extended conversions, the version of the Google Ads API used for transfer has been updated from v14.1 to v16.

Please refer to the Google Ads API documentation for the new version.


Data Mart Definition

Data Mart Snowflake

The write setting for the output destination table can now be selected between TRUNCATE INSERT and``REPLACE for the all-wash mode.

  • In the case of TRUNCATE INSERT, the schema of the existing table is not deleted.
  • In the case of REPLACE, the schema of the existing table is deleted.

For more information on the differences between the two, see Data Mart - Snowflake.

API Update

Source Google Ads / Destination Google Ads Conversion

The version of the Google Ads API used during transfer has been updated from v14.1 to v16.

Regarding forwarded Google Ads conversions, only offline conversions have been updated.
Extended conversion updates will be available next week.

Please refer to the Google Ads API documentation for the new version.

Search ads and display ads (managed) on Yahoo!

The version of Yahoo! Ads API used for transfer has been updated from v11 to v12.
Please refer to the following documents for each new version



API Update for Transferring Source Google Ads

On Wednesday, May 22, 2024, between 10:00 am and 4:00 pm, there will be an update to the Google Ads API used by the forwarding source Google Ads.
Some destructive changes will occur with the API update.
Please see 2024/05/16 Destructive Changes to Transferring Google Ads for more information on resources/fields to be removed or changed and what to do about it.



On May 9, 2024, we announced our brand renewal.
With the brand renewal, the logotype of the product was changed from TROCCO to TROCCO, and the color scheme of the logo was also changed.


The new logo image files and logo guidelines are available on our website.
Also, please refer to the press release regarding the brand renewal.

connection information

Enabled to enter SSH private key passphrase in Microsoft SQL Server connection information.

Added SSH private key passphrase to the configuration item.
This allows you to connect to Microsoft SQL Server with a private key with a passphrase.



TROCCO API is now restricted by IP address when executed.

Execution of the TROCCO API is now subject to IP address restrictions.
This allows for more secure use of the TROCCO API.

Requests due to this specification change

If you are already using the TROCCO API and have set Account Security > Allow IP Address es, you must add the IP address used to run the TROCCO API to the Allow IPs.

Data Mart Definition

Data Mart Azure Synapse Analytics

New data mart Azure Synapse Analytics has been added.
For more information, see Data Mart - Azure Synapse Analytics.

Transfer Settings

Enables column extraction of the source Google Spreadsheets

Previously, it was necessary to manually enter the name and data type of the column to be retrieved in STEP 1 of the transfer setup.
In contrast, the ability to extract column information from a spreadsheet to be transferred has been added.

After entering various setting items, click " Extract Column Information" to automatically set the column name and data type.
With the addition of the above functionality, an entry field has been added to specify the starting column number for capturing.
For more information, please refer to the Transfer Source - Google Spreadsheets.


Transfer Settings

Search ads and display ads (managed) on Yahoo!

To update the version of Yahoo! Ads API from v11 to v12 due to the discontinuation of Yahoo! Ads API v11, we have added an entry field for the Base Account ID in the following settings of the forwarding source connector.

  • Search ads from Yahoo!
  • Display Advertising (managed)

For details, please refer to "MCC Multi-Tiered" in the v12 Upgrade Information.

The transition to v12 is scheduled for mid-May 2024.
As soon as the migration to v12 is complete, jobs with transfer settings for which the base account ID has not been entered will result in an error.
Please edit your existing transfer settings before migrating to v12.


Transfer Settings

To be able to transfer to a table in the destination KINTONE

Data can now be transferred to tables (formerly subtables) in the kintone application.
For details on how to transfer, please refer to Updating Tables (formerly Subtables ) in the destination KINTONE application.

Transfer source Google BigQuery can now select "Specify bucket only" for temporary data export specification.

When transferring data from the source Google BigQuery, data is temporarily output to Google Cloud Storage.
Only buckets can now be specified as the output destination for temporary data in this case.

Note that the conventional format of entering a Google Storage URL will output temporary data to the same path, unless a custom variable is used.
As a result, data on Google Cloud Storage could be overwritten.
On the other hand, if only buckets are specified, an internally unique path is created and temporary data is output to that path.
This avoids the aforementioned situation where data on Google Cloud Storage is overwritten and deleted.



Allow organization name to be set in TROCCO account

You can now set an organization name for your TROCCO account.
Setting an organization name makes it easier to identify which TROCCO account you are logging into if you are managing multiple TROCCO accounts, for example.
For more information, see About Organization Names.

managed data transfer

Add Amazon Redshift as a transfer destination

Amazon Redshift can now be selected as the destination for managed data transfer.
You can centrally create and manage transfer settings to retrieve the source data source in bulk and transfer it to Amazon Redshift.

API Update

Forwarding Google Ad Manager

The version of the Google Ad Manager API used during transfer has been updated from v202305 to v202311.
See Google Ad Manager API for the new version.



Effective April 1, 2024, the rate plan will be revised.
For details, please refer to the fee plan.

Transfer Settings

Support for retrieving collections in forwarding source Shopify

Collection objects can now be selected in the target of the source Shopify.
For more information, including each item to be retrieved, please refer to the forwarding source - Shopify.

Additional types that can be specified in the destination Amazon Redshift

The following items have been added as data types that can be specified in the column settings of the STEP2 output options for the destination Amazon Redshift.

  • TIME
  • DATE

Added setting to handle updates of null values transferred in destination KINTONE

When update data for an existing record in KINTONE contains a NULL value, the update process can now be selected.
You can choose whether toupdate with NULL orskip updating in the advanced settings in STEP 1 of the transfer setup.


Transfer Settings

Destination Azure Synapse Analytics

New destination Azure Synapse Analytics has been added.
For more information, see Transfer Destination - Azure Synapse Analytics.



Forwarding Setup & Managed Data Transfer

Temporary stages can now be deleted when a transfer job to Snowflake fails.

When a transfer job to Snowflake fails, you can now choose to delete the temporary stage.
For more information, see Destination - Snowflake > STEP1 Advanced Settings.



Maximum number of transfer settings data preview changed to 20

The maximum number of data displayed in the data preview in Transfer Settings STEP2 and Transfer Settings Details has been changed to 20.
This change shortens the time it takes for the data preview to appear in the schema data preview in Transfer Setup STEP 2.

API Update

Forwarding Facebook Custom Audience (beta)

The version of the Facebook API used for transfer has been updated from v17 to v18.
Please refer to the Meta for Developers documentation for the new version.


Workflow Definition

Transfer job error logs can be viewed in the execution log of workflow jobs

When a transfer job embedded in a workflow fails, the error log of the corresponding transfer job can now be viewed from the workflow execution log.
You can check the error log by clicking the corresponding task in the workflow execution log.


API Update

The Facebook API used for the following connector has been updated from v17 to v18.

  • Forwarded by Facebook Ad Insights
  • Forwarded by Facebook Ad Creative
  • Forwarder Facebook Lead Ads
  • Forwarded to Facebook Conversion API

Please refer to the Meta for Developers documentation for the new version.

audit log

Removed "Restore Past Revisions" action in transfer settings from audit log capture.

Update transfer settings (restore past revisions of change history)" has been removed from the actions eligible for audit logging.
For more information, please refer to the Change History of the Audit Log function.



About TROCCO Web Activity Logging Help Documentation

Until now, help documentation for TROCCO Web Activity Logs has been available on the Confluence space.
The help documentation has now been transferred to the TROCCO Help Center. Please refer to the TROCCO Web Action Log in the future.
The help documentation on the Confluence side will be closed soon.


The list of forwarding settings can now be narrowed down by connection information.

Connection information has been added to the narrowing item in the list of transfer settings.
The specified connection information can be filtered by the transfer settings used.
For more information, see List of Transfer Settings > Refine.


Transfer Settings

Allow regular expressions to be used to specify the path to the file to be retrieved by SFTP from the transfer source.

In STEP 1 of the transfer settings, the path to the file to be retrieved can now be specified using a regular expression.
For example, if you enter .csv$ in the path regular expression, only csv files under the directory specified by the path prefix will be retrieved.


Workflow Definition

Manually executed workflow jobs to show the user who executed them

Previously, when a workflow job was manually executed, it was not indicated which user executed it.
With this change, the email address of the user who executed the following cases is now displayed.

  • When executed by clicking the Execute button on the Workflow Definition Details screen
  • When executed by clicking rerun from the stop position on the workflow job details screen


To display a link to the workflow job from which it was run

Previously, workflow jobs that were executed as tasks of another workflow job were not displayed as to which workflow job they were executed by.
With this change, a link to the workflow job from which it was run is now displayed.



Transfer Settings

Microseconds and nanoseconds added to time units for UNIX time conversion

The UNIX time units that can be handled by the UNIX time conversion in Transfer Setting STEP 2 have been expanded.
Microseconds and****nanoseconds can now be selected as the unit of UNIX time before and after conversion.
For more information, see UNIX Time Conversion.



data catalog

Snowflake version of data catalog supports "automatic metadata takeover" and "column linage

Until now, automatic metadata takeover andcolumn linage for data catalogs were supported only in the Google BigQuery version.
With this change, the same functionality is now available in the Snowflake version of the data catalog.


Transfer Settings

Changed the method of setting merge keys for destination PostgreSQL

Changed how to set the merge key when the transfer mode is set to UPSERT (MERGE) in the transfer setup STEP1.
Previously, a merge key had to be set in Transfer Setup STEP 2.
With this change, when UPSERT (MERGE) is selected as the transfer mode in Transfer Setting STEP 1, the Merge Key setting item appears directly below.


API Update

Forwarded from Shopify

The version of the Shopify API used for transfers has been updated from 2023-01 to 2024-01.
Please refer to the Shopify API reference docs documentation for the new version.


managed data transfer

Add Microsoft SQL Server as a transfer source

Microsoft SQL Server can now be selected as the transfer source for managed data transfer.
Microsoft SQL Server tables can be imported in bulk and transfer settings associated with them can be created centrally.
See Managed Forwarding Settings > Forwarding Source Microsoft SQL Server for various entry fields.


Transfer Settings

Expanded columns of master data for ads that can be retrieved by forwarding source LINE ads.

Added small_delivery to the column of data retrieved as master data for ads.
Master data for advertisements can be obtained when Master Data (Advertisements) is selected for Download Typeand Advertisements is selected for Master Data Type in STEP 1 of the Transfer Settings.

Note that to incorporate the small_delivery column in an existing transfer setting, the transfer setting must be edited and automatic data configuration must be performed.
Select "Execute Automatic Data Setup" on the screen that appears when moving from STEP1 to STEP2 of the Edit Transfer Settings screen, and save the settings.


Transfer Settings

Expanded the types of dimensions that can be specified in the forwarding source Criteo

CampaignId and``Campaign can now be selected in the dimension name in Transfer Settings STEP 1.
Dimension name is an item that appears when statistics is selected as the report type.


API Update

Search ads and display ads (managed) on Yahoo!

The version of Yahoo! Ads API used for transfer has been updated from v10 to v11.
Please refer to the Yahoo! Ads API | Developer Center documentation for information on the new version.

Due to an API update, the old indicator has been discontinued.
From now on, if a column containing "(old)" is specified in the column name, the new column will be automatically obtained.


Transfer Settings

Destination Snowflake supports schema tracking

The destination Snowflake now supports schema tracking.
Schema tracking is a function that automatically corrects the schema of the destination connector table to resolve schema differences between the "data to be transferred" and the "destination connector table" when such differences occur.
From now on, it is no longer necessary to manually modify the schema on the Snowflake side when the above schema differences occur.


Regular expressions can be used to filter forwarding setting names in the forwarding setting list.

The name of a transfer setting in the list of transfer settings can now be narrowed down using regular expressions.
For details on the notation of regular expressions that can be entered, see Narrowing Transfer Setting Names with Regular Expressions.


Time zone setting values are now applied by default when creating Managed Transfer Settings

The time zone value specified in the time zone setting is now entered by default in the time zone value selected in STEP 1 when creating a Managed Transfer Configuration.


API Update

Forwarded Google Ads Conversions

The version of Google Ads API used during transfer has been updated from v13.1 to v14.1.
Both offline and****extended conversions have been updated.
Please refer to the Google Ads API documentation for the new version.


managed data transfer

Enabled batch selection and deselection of tables and filtering of table names

Previously, only pagination units (up to 100 tables/times) could be selected.
This change allows for batch selection and batch de-selection regardless of pagination.
In addition, it is now possible to filter by table name.

This change will be applied to the following screens.

  • New creation STEP2
  • List of Unadded Tables
  • Confirmation of table increase/decrease


Transfer Settings

Added "Change event" to the resource type of the forwarding source Google Ads.

Change event (change_event) has been added to "Resource Type (Report Type)" in Transfer Settings STEP1.
You can now get a report of changes that have occurred in your account.
For more information about change_event, please refer to the Google Ads API documentation.


Transfer source ValueCommerce to get reports for advertisers.

Previously, only affiliate sites were eligible to obtain reports.
With this change, advertiser reports can also be retrieved.
For more information, please refer to the transfer source - ValueCommerce.

rn-2024-01-22- valuecommerce.png


Redesigned pop-up menu in the upper right corner of the screen

The design of the pop-up menu that appears when the user clicks on his/her own e-mail address area has been redesigned.
In addition to being able to check the organization ID and own privileges, users can now move to various settings related to accounts and users with a single click.

In addition, links to the following pages have been moved from the pop-up menu to the sidebar on the left side of the screen with this change.
- GitHub access token (under external collaboration )
- TROCCO API KEY (under External Linkage )
- Audit log output


API Update

Source Google Ads / Destination Google Ads Conversion

The version of Google Ads API used during transfer has been updated from v13.1 to v14.1.
Please refer to the Google Ads API documentation for the new version.


Transfer Settings

Transfer source TROCCO Web behavior log data acquisition period can be specified

The data acquisition period can now be specified in STEP 1 of the transfer setup.
TROCCO Web behavior log data for any time period can be obtained by specifying the start and****end dates.
For more information, please refer to the Transfer Source - TROCCO Web Activity Log.


connection information

HTTP and HTTPS connection information can be created using Client Credentials

HTTP/HTTPS connection information now allows selection of grant type from Authorization Code or****Client Credentials.
Previously, the grant type was fixed and was an authorization code, but with this release, Client Credentials can now also be selected.
For details, please refer to the HTTP and HTTPS connection information.

data catalog

Changed specifications for importing partitioned tables

In Google BigQuery data catalogs, the specification for retrieving partitioned tables as catalog data has been changed.
From now on, for partitioned tables, only the table with the latest date will be retrieved as catalog data.

Reason for specification change

Previously, all segments in a partitioned table were obtained as catalog data.
Because each segment was considered a separate table in the data catalog, there were multiple hits for virtually the same table when searching for tables, and manual metadata entry operations such as basic metadata and user-defined metadata were difficult.
From now on, only tables with the most recent dates will be retrieved, making tables more searchable and facilitating the operation of manual metadata entry.


Workflow Definition

Added "HTTP Request" to workflow task

Added an HTTP request to the workflow task that allows external API requests to be executed.
By incorporating tasks that communicate with external systems, you can build a more flexible and powerful workflow.
HTTP request tasks can be configured and added on the flow edit screen of the workflow definition.


Transfer Settings

TSV file input/output setting delimiter can now be entered as ɑt

TSV file input and output settings can now be set to enter Јt as the delimiter character.
Please use this option when setting up a transfer that uses a connector that handles TSV files and the delimiter character is a tab character.
You can set the delimiter character in the input and****output options in Transfer Settings STEP 2.


connection information

Allow users to select whether to use SSL communication with Elasticsearch connection information

You can now choose whether or not to use SSL communication for Elasticsearch connection information.
If you need to communicate with the connecting Elasticsearch using the HTTPS method, select Enabled.



Revamped UI for programming ETL

The UI for Data Settings > Programming ETL in Transfer Settings STEP 2 has been revamped.
Programming ETL allows for flexible conversion processes.
For more information, see Programming ETL.


Data Mart Definition

Ability to restore past settings from the change history of data mart definitions

Settings for previous changes can now be restored from the Change History tab of the Data Mart Definition Details screen.
If, for example, a data mart job run after a configuration change does not produce the expected results, you can immediately revert to the settings that were in place before the change.

From the Change History tab of the Data Mart Definition Details screen, click Advanced/Restore>Restore Revision Settings to display the Data Mart Definition Edit screen.
Saving the settings displayed will restore the settings on the specified change history.


Transfer Settings

Connector selection screen to display "Recently used connectors".

Recently used connectors are now displayed at the top of the connector selection screen when creating a new transfer setting.
It is now easier to find frequently used connectors among many connectors.


Show the folder ID of the source Google Drive in the link text.

The folder ID of the source Google Drive displayed on the Transfer Settings detail screen is now displayed as link text.
Clicking on it will take you to the corresponding folder screen on Google Drive.
It is now easier to check what files are stored in the folder for data acquisition.



Data Mart Definition

Change history of data mart definitions can be viewed

The past change history can now be viewed at a glance on the detail screen of the data mart definition.
You can also check the change differences from the previous change history.


Workflow Definition

Ability to embed job execution result information in workflow job notification content

In the notification settings for workflow jobs, it is now possible to embed variables containing information on the results of job execution in the notification content.
Embed information such as the number of overall workflow tasks and****the number of failed workflow tasks, allowing for flexible customization of notification content.


Transfer Settings

UNIX time and date/time formats can be converted and transferred to each other

Conversion between UNIX time and date/time formats can now be set in the Data Settings tab of STEP 2 of the Transfer Settings.
You can specify the column in which date/time data is stored and transfer UNIX time and date/time formats by converting between them.
For more information, see UNIX Time Conversion.


API Update

Forwarder Facebook Lead Ads

The version of the Facebook API used for transfer has been updated from v16 to v17.
See Meta for Developers for the new version.


Transfer Settings

Allow destination Snowflake to specify batch size

Batch Size (MB)" can now be specified in the advanced settings of Transfer Settings STEP1.
If an error occurs during transfer due to insufficient memory, the batch size can be adjusted to eliminate the error.
For more information, see Transfer Destination - Snowflake.


connection information

Allow key pair authentication Snowflake connection information to be used in transfer settings

Snowflake connection information created by key pair authentication can now be used in forwarding settings.
This allows source/destination Snowflake and data mart Snowflake to use the same connection information.


API Update

Workflow Task Tableau Data Extraction

The version of the Tableau REST API used for Tableau data extraction in the workflow task has been updated from 3.7 to 3.21.
See Tableau REST API Help for information on the new version.


Korean can be selected in the language settings.

Korean can now be set as the language displayed on the TROCCO screen.
For background on Korean language support, please see this article. primeNumber to Fully Expand "TROCCO" Overseas through Partnership with Korean SaaS Company



Transfer Settings

To be able to get reports related to ad display options in the forwarded Yahoo! Search ads

CAMPAIGN_ASSET" and "ADGROUP_ASSET (beta)" have been added to the types of reports retrieved by the forwarding source Yahoo!
Each can obtain the following report data, which will be available in March 2022.
- CAMPAIGN_ASSET: Ad Display Options Report (Campaign)
- ADGROUP_ASSET (beta): Ad Display Option Report (Ad Group)


Account User

Allow account privilege administrators to disable two-factor authentication for users in the account

Only the account privileged administrator can now disable two-factor authentication set by each user in the account.
For more information, see About Account Privilege Administrators.



Transfer Settings

Enables cursor-based paging requests on forwarding-source HTTP and HTTPS

Cursor-based paging requests are now possible when retrieving data via forwarding source HTTP and HTTPS.
Selecting cursor base in the paging setting in Transfer Settings STEP1 displays the various setting items for cursor base.
For more information, please refer to Transfer Source - HTTP and HTTPS.


Forwarding source Google Analytics 4 to allow specifying the number of rows to retrieve in one request.

In the Advanced Settings of Transfer Settings STEP 1, you can now specify the number of rows to retrieve in a single request when retrieving data from Google Analytics 4.
If OutOfMemoryError occurs during job execution, adjusting the value of this item may eliminate the error.
For more information, see Forwarding - Google Analytics 4.


Workflow Definition

Workflow definitions can be duplicated from the workflow definition list screen.

Workflow definitions can now be duplicated on the Workflow Definition List screen.
You can duplicate any workflow definition without going to the Workflow Definition Details screen.



Allow account privileged administrators to manage all API KEYs in the account

Only account privileged administrators can now view, edit, and delete all API KEYs issued by users in the account.
Previously, only the user who issued the API KEY could manage it, but now all API KEYs in an account can be centrally managed.
For more information, see About Account Privilege Administrators.

The API KEY list screen can be accessed from the settings icon menu at the top of the screen.



Email notification settings to apply line breaks in messages when they are sent.

In the various notification settings when the notification method is set to Email, the line breaks in the text entered in the message are now applied to the outgoing email.
*If the notification method is Slack, line breaks will be applied from before.


Transfer Settings

Forwarding destination kintone

Automatic acquisition of field codes is now supported.
Previously, each field code had to be entered manually in STEP 1 of the transfer setup.
From now on, it will be automatically retrieved in Transfer Setup STEP2 according to the specified app ID.

In addition, when the application to be transferred contains a table (formerly a sub-table), the user can now select whether to transfer the records by dividing them by row in the table (formerly a sub-table) or by combining them into a single record.

For more information on the above, please refer to Transfer Source - kintone.

Destination Google Cloud Storage

Naming conventions for multiple file output can now be specified.
When parallel transfer is selected as the transfer mode, the transferred data may be split into multiple files.
From now on, you can specify the naming of multiple files in the advanced settings of STEP 1 of the transfer settings.

Transfer source Google Analytics 4

The status of the "(other)" row when it is used can now be selected.
You can choose whether to set the job to Succeeded or Error when the retrieved data contains "(other)" rows.
For more information on "(other)" rows, please refer to the official Google Analytics documentation at [GA4]About "(other)" rows.

managed data transfer

Forwarding Destination Snowflake

UPSERT (MERGE) has been added as a destination output mode.
If there is a record in the existing table based on the merge key, the record is updated; if there is no record, the record is appended.
For more information, see Transfer Destination - Snowflake.


Transfer Settings

Renaming of former Twitter-based connectors

The following connectors have been renamed

  • Source Twitter Ads → Source X Ads (formerly Twitter Ads)
  • Destination Twitter Ads Web conversions → Destination X Ads (formerly Twitter Ads) Web conversions


Revised TROCCO Terms of Use

Revised TROCCO Terms of Use.
TROCCO Terms of Use - available in the latest version.


Account User

Added the ability to delete users

Users registered to a TROCCO account can now be deleted from TROCCO.
In the future, users can be removed without contacting our Customer Success.
See Deleting Users for more information, including permissions required to delete users.

connection information

JDBC driver version can be specified in Snowflake connection information.

JDBC driver version can now be specified in Snowflake connection information.
When creating new connection information, 3.14.2 is selected as the default value.


managed data transfer

Add Snowflake as a forwarding destination

Snowflake can now be selected as the destination for managed data transfer.
Create and manage transfer settings for batch retrieval of source data sources and transfer to Snowflake in a centralized manner.
See Managed Forwarding Settings for more information.


Support for drag-and-drop column reordering of transfer settings

Columns can now be rearranged by drag-and-drop operation in the column definitions in STEP 2 of the transfer setup.
The order of columns can be rearranged with intuitive operations.


Transfer Settings

Extended normal system judgment when transferring source HTTP/HTTPS data

In the detailed settings of STEP 1 of the transfer settings, it is now possible to specify a status code for judging a normal system at the time of transfer data acquisition.
For more information, please refer to Transfer Source - HTTP and HTTPS.


The TROCCO API can now retrieve a list of transfer jobs.
You can specify any transfer setting and get a list of transfer jobs using that setting.
For more information, see About TROCCO API.

API Update

Search ads from Yahoo!

The version of Yahoo! Ads API used in the transfer has been updated from v9 to v10.
For more information about the new version, please refer to the Yahoo! Ads API | Developer Center.


organization ID

Organization ID to be visible on the TROCCO screen

The organization ID is now displayed in the pop-up menu for logged-in users.
Organization ID is a required field when logging in.
In the unlikely event that you forget your organization ID, please ask a user who is already logged in to confirm your organization ID from the menu above and notify us.

Account User

Operation restrictions on connection information can now be applied on a per-user basis.

It is now possible to prohibit individual users from creating, editing, or deleting connection information.
By limiting the number of users who can create connection information, you can prevent connections to data sources to which they are not intended to connect, such as privately managed storage.
This reduces the risk of unintended data leakage.
For more information, see User Settings.

API Update

Forwarding Google Ad Manager

The version of the Google Ad Manager API used during transfer has been updated from v202211 to v202305.
See Google Ad Manager API for the new version.



Change of login method

On Monday, October 2, 2023, the method of logging into TROCCO was changed.
For more information, please refer to the Change of Login Method to TROCCO.

dbt linkage

Allow arbitrary dbt version to be specified for use in dbt jobs

The dbt version, previously fixed at dbt Core v1.3, can now be specified arbitrarily.
You can choose from the following versions on the New/Edit screen of the dbt Git repository.

  • dbt Core v1.6
  • dbt Core v1.5
  • dbt Core v1.4
  • dbt Core v1.3


List of Data Mart Jobs

Faster loading time
The data loading process has been sped up, and the time until the list of data mart jobs is displayed has been shortened.

Expanded refinement functions
The previous text input format has been replaced with a new refinement format in which the name of the data mart definition is selected.
This makes it possible to narrow the list of data mart jobs by multiple data mart definition names.


API Update

Source Facebook Ad Creative and Destination Facebook Offline Conversion

The version of the Facebook API used for transfer has been updated from v16 to v17.
See Meta for Developers for the new version.



Changed the period of time that login status is retained to 48 hours.

For enhanced security, the retention period of login status has been changed to 48 hours.
After 48 hours since the last operation of TROCCO, the system enters a logout state.
The next time you access TROCCO, you will need to log in.

Transfer Settings

Forwarding Facebook Custom Audience (beta)

Added new forwarded Facebook Custom Audience (beta version).
For more information on the various input fields and column mappings, please refer to Forward to - Facebook Custom Audience (beta version).

Added setting to handle updates of null values transferred to destination Salesforce

You can now select the update process when the update data for an existing record in Salesforce contains a null value.
You can choose whether toupdate with NULL orskip updating in the advanced settings in STEP 1 of the transfer setup.


API Update

Source Google Ads / Destination Google Ads Conversion

The version of Google Ads API used during transfer has been updated from v12 to v13.1.
Please refer to the Google Ads API documentation for the new version.


Notice of Addition of Account Privilege Administrator Authority

On September 5, 2023, a new privilege , Account Privilege Manager, was added to TROCCO.
Account Privilege Manager is the strongest of TROCCO's privileges and is therefore a special privilege that can only be granted to one user per account.
Due to the nature of this authorization, we will be taking a process to allow customers to choose which user will be the account privileged administrator for accounts that existed prior to September 5, 2023.
Please respond to the following email sent on September 14, 2023 notifying the following users about the transition.

Earliest user registered to a TROCCO account that has not been removed from the account

If you have any questions, such as if you do not know where to send an e-mail, please contact our Customer Success.

Transfer Settings

Destination file and storage system connectors support zip file compression

Some destination file/storage system connectors now support file compression in zip format.
ZIP can be selected for file compression in STEP 1 of the transfer setup with the following connector as the transfer destination.

  • Destination Azure Blob Storage
  • Destination FTP/FTPS
  • Destination Google Cloud Storage
  • Forwarding address KARTE Datahub
  • Destination S3
  • Destination SFTP

dbt linkage

Subdirectories can now be specified in dbt Git repository settings

Subdirectories in the Git repository can now be specified as project directories for dbt integration.
Until now, the directory to be linked was fixed to the root directory of the Git repository.
From now on, you can specify any directory in the Git repository as the dbt linkage destination.



Data Mart Definition

Clustering settings are now available for data mart definitions in Google BigQuery.

A clustering configuration item was added to the data mart definition in Google BigQuery.
Clustering settings can now be configured for tables newly created by executing a data mart job.

However, if a table already exists in the output destination, the settings of the existing table will be taken over instead of the contents of this setting.


Transfer Settings

Allow to set job waiting timeout for the source Google BigQuery.

The timeout period for job waiting can be specified in seconds in the detailed settings of STEP 1 of the transfer settings.
When there are many queries running in BigQuery, slot limits may cause jobs to wait until they are executed. If this waiting time reaches the timeout period, the transfer job in question will fail.
In such cases, increasing the "Job Waiting Timeout (sec)" will avoid transfer job failures.

Allow to specify precision and scale in destination Snowflake NUMBER type output

You can specify the precision and scale of the NUMBER type in the Output Options tab > Column Settings > Data Type in Transfer Settings STEP 2.
Use this function to convert data to be transferred to Snowflake into a NUMBER type of any precision and scale.

For more information on the precision and scale of the NUMBER type, please refer to the official Snowflake documentation - NUMBER.
### UI/UX

Fixed display of the narrowing button in the Transfer Settings List sidebar

The Narrow by this content button in the Narrow by area of the Transfer Settings list is now fixed so that it always appears on the screen.

dbt linkage

dbt job setup in Google BigQuery supports selective location input.

Locations for dbt job settings can now be entered via selections.


managed data transfer

Schema change detection for transfer settings can now be set up in bulk

Schema change detection for transfer settings can now be set in STEP 3 of the Managed Data Transfer Settings in batches.
Receive notification of schema changes without having to configure each transfer setting individually.

Transfer Settings

Expanded setting items for date/time columns to be added in transfer date/time column settings.

The transfer date and time column settings in the Transfer Settings STEP2 Advanced Settings > Data Settings tab now allow for flexible settings.
If the data type of the transfer date and time column is set to "string", the following items can be set.

  • Format: A Specifies the format of the date/time expansion value.
  • Time zone: 0:00:00 Select the time zone to be expanded in the format's time zone specifier from Etc/UTC or``Asia/Tokyo.

Extended data types that can be transferred from the source Oracle Database

Data imported from the source Oracle Database can now be converted to string type and transferred.
Click on Set Details in Transfer Settings STEP 1, specify the target column name, and select string asthe data type.
For example, numerical values that had a large number of digits and were missing data during transfer can now be converted to string type and transferred, thereby avoiding missing data.

Data Mart Definition

Support for embedding custom variables in Google BigQuery partition fields

Custom variable embedding is now available in the partition field of data mart definitions in Google BigQuery.
The value of the partition field can be dynamically specified at job execution.
The *Partition field is a setting item that can be entered when partitioning is selected by field.

data catalog

Service account added to Google BigQuery data catalog authentication method.

Service Account (JSON Key)" can now be selected as the authentication method for Google BigQuery data catalogs.
For details, please refer to the " For First-Time Users" page.


IP addresses to be allowed access can be specified in CIDR format

IP addresses to be allowed access can now be specified in CIDR format (a writing style in which the IP address and subnet mask are expressed simultaneously).
For example, if you enter, access is allowed from to``

Clicking the AddIP Addressto****Allow Access button on the Security screen will take you to the Add Allow Access IP screen.

API Update

Forwarded by Facebook Ad Insights

The version of the Facebook API used above has been updated to v17.
Please refer to the Meta for Developers documentation for the new version.


Transfer Settings

Forwarded by Microsoft Advertising

Added new transfer source Microsoft Advertising.
Data can now be retrieved and transferred from Microsoft Advertising reports such as keywords and campaigns.
For more information on the various input fields, please refer to Transfer Source - Microsoft Advertising.

Time Zone Setting

Time zone can now be set.
Any time zone can be applied to date and time specifications, such as display date and time on the screen and scheduled execution of transfer settings.

For more information, see About Time Zone Settings.


Data Mart Definition

Data Mart Definition in Google BigQuery Expands Choice of Partition Types

In the data mart definition in Google BigQuery, we added monthly and****yearly to the choices of partition types that can be specified in the query settings.
When setting up partitions, there are four partition types to choose from

  • Hourly
  • per day
  • Every 1 month
  • Every 1 year


Transfer Settings

Added "card" as a target of data acquisition for forwarding source Twitter Ads

Added card as a target for retrieving forwarding-source Twitter Ads.
This allows us to retrieve and transfer information such as the card's website URL.
For more information, see Forwarding Sources - Twitter Ads.


Header can be enabled/disabled when output file format is CSV/TSV.

In the output option of STEP 2 of the transfer settings for the file/storage connector as the transfer destination, it is now possible to select enable/disable of the CSV/TSV header to be output.
If you do not need a header line, select Disable.
For more information, please refer to the section on output file format settings.


connection information

Authorization URL parameter can be added in HTTP and HTTPS connection information.

Authorization URL parameters can now be added in HTTP and HTTPS connection information.
Click on Set Connection Information Details to see the parameters of the authorization URL.
Some services require certain parameters to be passed when obtaining authorization codes as a condition for obtaining a token. Please use this item in such cases.
For details, please refer to the HTTP and HTTPS connection information.




Change of login method

On Monday, October 2, 2023, between 10:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m., the method of logging into TROCCO will change.
For more information, please refer to the Change of Login Method to TROCCO.

Transfer Settings

Add destination HubSpot engagement object

Engagement objects can now be selected in the object type in STEP 1 of the transfer setup.
It can be used as a destination for data related to interactions.
For more information, see Forwarding Destinations - HubSpot.

Added option to replace empty characters in destination Snowflake settings

In the advanced settings of Transfer Settings STEP1, it is now possible to specify whether empty characters in the transferred data are to be replaced with NULL.
Uncheck the box if you want Snowflake to transfer empty characters in the data to be transferred.



Workflow definitions for embedded destinations are displayed on various detail pages

Various detail pages, such as transfer settings and data mart definitions embedded as tasks in workflows, now display the embedded workflow definitions.
You can check the details on the various pages below.

  • Transfer Settings
  • Managed Transfer Settings
  • Data Mart Definition
  • Workflow Definition
  • dbt job settings


Added links to various detail screens to list items in the Add Workflow Task modal

Added links to the respective detail screens in the modal for adding various tasks on the flow edit screen.
This allows the contents of tasks to be viewed immediately from the flow editing screen.

  • Managed Transfer Settings
  • Data Mart Definition
  • Workflow Definition
  • dbt job settings


Improved searchability of the Data Mart Sync Job List screen

In the sidebar of the Data Mart Sync Job List screen, the data mart definition list can now be narrowed down by definition name.
You can now easily view a list of arbitrary sync jobs by filtering by data mart definition name.


API Update

The Facebook API used for the following connector has been updated to v16.

  • Forwarded by Facebook Ad Insights
  • Forwarded to Facebook Offline Conversion
  • Forwarder Facebook Lead Ads

Please refer to the Meta for Developers documentation for the new version.


Workflow Definition

Expanded data warehouse with data checking within workflow

Data checking tasks for the following data warehouses can now be executed in a workflow.

  • Snowflake
  • Amazon Redshift

The results of the query against the data warehouse are checked against the error condition, and if the condition is met, the corresponding task is set to error.

See Workflow Data Check for more information.

Custom Variable Loop Execution Edit Form to Suggest Snowflake Warehouses

In the input field for specifying a Snowflake warehouse as the target of custom variable loop execution, the warehouse associated with the connection information to be used is now suggested.

Transfer Settings

Added an item to the forwarder Adobe Marketo Engage that allows custom variables to be embedded.

Custom variables can be embedded in the following input fields.

  • Filter type when custom object is selected as target
  • Workspace when folder is selected as target

API Update

Facebook API updated to v16

The Facebook API used for the following connector has been updated from v15 to v16.

  • Forwarded by Facebook Ad Creative
  • Forwarded to Facebook Conversion API

Please refer to the Meta for Developers documentation for the new version.


Added a link to transfer settings details when workflow transfer settings are selected.

A link to the Transfer Settings Details screen has been added to the Workflow's Add TROCCO Transfer Job Task modal.
This allows the user to move to the detailed screen of the transfer setting when selecting a transfer setting, and to make a selection after confirming the contents.



Transfer Settings

OAuth 2.0 added as authorization method for forwarding source HTTP and HTTPS

OAuth 2.0 is added as an authorization method.
This allows data to be retrieved from data sources that require OAuth authentication.
For more information, please refer to Transfer Source - HTTP and HTTPS.

Added data acquisition target of Zendesk Support for forwarding source

Added ticket_comments to be retrieved by forwarding source Zendesk Support.
It is now possible to retrieve and forward comment data related to tickets, including the text of the comment and the ID of the sender of the comment.
For more information, see Forwarding from - Zendesk Support.

Added an item to the forwarder Adobe Marketo Engage that allows custom variables to be embedded.

Custom variables can now be embedded in the following input fields.

  • Program ID filter when selecting program members as targets
  • List ID filter when selecting leads by static list as target

XML (beta version) support for input file format

XML (beta version)" has been added in the transfer settings of the following connector.

  • Transfer source Google Drive
  • Transfer source HTTP/HTTPS

For more information, see About input file format settings.


Added parameter to specify time zone in job execution request

Added time_zone as a request parameter for transfer job execution and workflow job execution.
This allows you to specify the time zone for the date and time specified in context_time.
For more information, see About TROCCO API.


API Update

Forwarding source Criteo

API version has been updated to v2023.04.
Please refer to Version 2023.04 release notes for more information about the new version.

Transfer Settings

Columns forwarded from the forwarding source Facebook Ad Creative expanded.

Three columns have been added to the data transferred from the source Facebook Ad Creative.
The following column names are displayed in the preview of Transfer Settings STEP2 and Transfer Settings Details.

  • ad_creative_object_story_spec_video_data_video_id
  • ad_creative_object_story_spec_child_attachments_image_hash
  • ad_creative_asset_feed_spec_image_hash

Custom object support for forwarding HubSpot

Custom objects can now be selected for the object type in STEP 1 of the transfer setup.
This can be utilized when transferring data that cannot be classified by HubSpot's prescribed objects.
Custom objects are displayed as "xxxxxx (custom object)".

connection information

Roles can now be specified in Snowflake connection information.

Roles can now be specified in Snowflake connection information.
Roles that grant the necessary permissions to access Snowflake from TROCCO can be tied to the connection information.
If not entered, Snowflake's default settings are used.

Added selectable hosts in Braze connection information has been added to the host choices in the connection information.


Fixed header size of various data mart screens changes in response to scrolling

Scrolling down in the New, Detail, and Edit pages of the Data Mart will reduce the height of the fixed header.
The display area for the contents of the data mart definition has been widened, increasing the amount of information displayed on the screen.

Before ScrollAfter scrolling


Transfer Settings

Forwarding Yahoo! Search Ads to CampaignExportService

CampaignExportService has been added to the services for data acquisition that can be selected in Transfer Settings STEP1.
For the fields retrieved by CampaignExportService, please refer to the Transfer Source - Yahoo! Search Ads.


Transfer Settings

Job execution history of data mart and workflow can be transferred at the transfer source TROCCO

Data Mart and****Workflow have been added to the list of data to be transferred.
Transfers historical data on previously executed data mart and workflow jobs.
For more information, please refer to the transfer source - TROCCO.

Allow destination Amazon Redshift to specify batch size

Batch size can now be specified in the advanced settings of STEP 1 of the transfer settings.
If an error due to insufficient memory occurs during transfer, the batch size can be adjusted to eliminate the error.
For more information, see Transfer Destinations - Amazon Redshift.

managed data transfer

Add PostgreSQL as a transfer source

PostgreSQL can now be selected as the transfer source for managed data transfer.
PostgreSQL tables can be imported in bulk, and the associated transfer settings can be created centrally.
See Managed Forwarding Settings for various entry fields.


Expanded edit area on workflow edit screen

The add task sidebar on the workflow editing screen can now be opened and closed.
By closing the sidebar, a larger display area can be used for workflow editing.

Sidebar (open)Sidebar (closed)

Improved visibility of data lineage on data mart detail pages

Data lineage information on the data mart detail page is now displayed in a hierarchical structure.
Compared to before the change, where the hierarchical structure was not represented, it is now easier to see the relationship between data sets and tables.


Transfer Settings

Added "XML (beta version)" as input file format

XML files can now be selected as the input file format for transfer settings for some source file and storage-based connectors.
For more information, see About input file format settings.

Forwarded from Zendesk Support

Ticket_metrics has been added to the data acquisition target.
Various indicator data about tickets, such as date/time resolved and time of first reply, can now be retrieved and forwarded.
For more information, see Forwarding from - Zendesk Support.

connection information

JDBC Driver Selection for MySQL

JDBC driver can now be selected in MySQL connection information.
For details, please refer to the Source - RDBMS Version Correspondence Table.


Transfer Settings

Forwarding Destination Snowflake

UPSERT (MERGE) has been added as a transfer mode.
If there is a record in the existing table based on the merge key, the record is updated; if there is no record, the record is appended.
For more information, see Transfer Destination - Snowflake.

Transferred from TikTok Ads

Support for loading of advertiser IDs has been added.
By clicking on "Load Advertiser ID," the advertiser ID associated with the previously selected connection information will be suggested.
This allows you to create transfer settings without having to manually enter the advertiser ID.

connection information

Google Analytics 4

Google account (OAuth) has been added as an authentication method.
This allows connection information to be created without having to create a JSON Key in the service account.


Custom variable definition form

The design has been substantially redesigned.


Transfer Settings

Transfer source Google Analytics 4

A new transfer source Google Analytics 4 has been added.
For more information on the various input items, please refer to Transfer Source - Google Analytics 4.


Transfer Settings

Transfer of job execution history is supported at the transfer source TROCCO

Transfer job execution history can now be transferred from the transfer source TROCCO.
Historical data of transfer jobs executed up to one year in the past can be transferred.
For more information, please refer to the transfer source - TROCCO.

Allow sorting of data in forwarded Google Spreadsheets

Data order can now be set from the advanced settings in STEP 1 of the transfer setup.
Records can be sorted by sort key name and sort order.
For more information, please refer to Forwarding Destinations - Google Spreadsheets.

The decompression format for data transfer can now be selected in the source box.

The decompression format can now be selected in STEP 1 of the transfer settings.
If the data to be transferred from the Box is compressed, it will be decompressed and transferred in the selected format.
The decompression method can be selected from the following four options

  • bzip2
  • gzip
  • tar.gz
  • zip

Custom variable embedding support

Input fields for custom variable embedding have been expanded in the Transfer Settings and Data Mart.
Custom variables that can be dynamically populated at runtime can now be utilized in more connector services.

Transfer Settings

  • Transfer source Google BigQuery
    • Temporary Table Creation Destination Dataset
  • Destination Amazon S3
    • Bucket."
  • Destination Google Cloud Storage
    • Bucket."
  • Destination Google BigQuery
    • Dataset."
  • Destination FTP/FTPS
    • Path prefix."
  • Destination PostgreSQL
    • Database," "schema," "table."
  • Destination SFTP
    • Path prefix."


  • Snowflake
    • Warehouse," "output destination database," and "output destination schema."


Transfer Settings

Expanded decompression format options for source Google Cloud Storage

bzip2 " and " gzip" have been added to the "Extract Format" options in STEP 1 of the Transfer Settings.
When transferring compressed data from Google Cloud Storage, you can choose from the following four decompression formats

  • bzip2
  • gzip
  • tar.gz
  • zip

Transfer mode selectable for destination FTP and FTPS.

Transfer Mode" can now be selected in Transfer Settings STEP1.
You can choose from the following two options

Parallel transfer."
Apply parallel processing to perform the transfer.
Compared to "output file number suppression transfer," the transfer time is reduced.
Due to parallel processing, a file retrieved from the source may be split into multiple files and sent to the destination.

Output File Count Suppression Transfer
Performs transfers without applying parallel processing.
Unlike "parallel transfer," files retrieved from the source are sent to the destination without being split.

Custom variable embedding support

Input fields for custom variable embedding have been expanded in the Transfer Settings and Data Mart.
Custom variables that can be dynamically populated at runtime can now be utilized in more connector services.

Transfer Settings

  • Transfer source Amazon Redshift
    • Database, Schema.
  • Transfer source Amazon S3
    • Bucket."
  • Transfer source Azure Blob Storage
    • Path prefix."
  • Source Box
    • Folder ID.
  • Transfer source Google Spreadsheets
    • URL of the spreadsheet."
  • Transfer source Google BigQuery
    • Temporary Table Creation Destination Dataset
  • Transfer source Google Cloud Storage
    • Bucket."
  • Transfer source Google Drive
    • Folder ID.
  • Transfer source PostgreSQL
    • Database, Schema.
  • Transferred from Snowflake
    • Warehouse," "database," and "schema."
  • Destination PostgreSQL
    • Database," "schema," "table."
  • Destination Google BigQuery
    • Dataset."
  • Destination Google Drive
    • Folder ID.


  • Google BigQuery
    • Destination data set.


Transfer Settings

Added "Upper Case Conversion" and "Upper Snake Case Conversion" as batch conversion formats for column names

In the column definition of Transfer Setting STEP2, "Upper Case Conversion" and "Upper Snake Case Conversion" have been added to the conversion format for column name batch conversion.

Custom variable support for forwarded Google Ads conversions

Custom variables are now available for the following items in the forwarding settings for forwarded Google Ads conversions.
- Customer ID
- Conversion Action ID


Fixed header size in transfer settings details changes according to scrolling

Scrolling down in the Transfer Settings Detail screen will reduce the height of the fixed header.
The display area for the transfer settings has been widened, increasing the amount of information displayed on the screen.

Before ScrollAfter scrolling

data catalog

Full text display of table logical names in ER diagrams

Full-text display was previously available only when the table name was long, but now full-text display is available on hover even when the logical name is long.


Custom variable support for DWH services

**If you set up custom variables in the DWH service, the workflow's custom variable loop execution enables flexible loop processing. **
The items supported for custom variable input this time are as follows.

Transfer Settings

  • Forwarding Destination Snowflake
    • warehouse
    • database
    • schema
    • table
  • Destination Redshift
    • database
    • schema
    • table
    • Amazon S3 bucket
    • Amazon S3 key prefix
  • Transfer source BigQuery
    • Data export destination Google Cloud Storage URI


  • Redshift
    • database
    • schema
    • table

Transfer Settings

Page Size" can be specified in Zendesk Support

The number of items that can be retrieved in one request can now be specified under "Page Size" in the destination Zendesk Support.

Improved error handling in destination Salesforce

The transfer status can now be set to Error when a record fails to send in a destination Salesforce transfer.

dbt linkage

Target" and "Location" can now be specified in dbt job settings

Target" and "Location" can now be specified in dbt job settings.
The "Location" will only appear in the dbt job setup with BigQuery selected dbt Git repository as the adapter.



Improved usability of sidebar

The hierarchical structure and order of items in the sidebar displayed on the left side of the screen has been changed.
Functions with multiple pages can now be collapsed in item-by-item chunks, and items on the currently displayed page will be collapsed and expanded.



Transfer Settings

Forwarded Yahoo! Ads Display Ad Conversion Measurement API (beta version)

Ads Display Ad Conversion Measurement API (beta version) has been newly added to the Yahoo!
For details on the various input fields and column mappings, please refer to the forwarding address - Yahoo!

Forwarding Destination Snowflake

In STEP 1 of the Transfer Settings, a list of items that can be entered in the following resources can now be read based on the specified connection information.
- Warehouse Name
- database
- schema


Expanded workflow task information

Workflow tasks now display the creator. Also, a message is now displayed if you do not have permission to view the file.


dbt linkage

Official Release

The dbt linkage function, which was provided as an optional feature in the beta version, is now available as an official version.
This allows you to use this function without having to contact your contact person.
For more information, see About dbt Linkage.

Location settings for BigQuery datasets to connect to

On the Create/Edit dbt Job Settings screen, you can now enter a location when you select a dbt Git repository with BigQuery selected as the adapter.
A destination data set is created at the location entered.

Transfer Settings

Forwarded Twitter Ads Web Conversions

Forwarded Twitter Ads Web conversions are newly added.
For more information on the various input fields and column mappings, please refer to Transfer Destination - Twitter Ads Web Conversion.

Transferred from Snowflake

In STEP 1 of the Transfer Settings, a list of items that can be entered in the following resources can now be read based on the specified connection information.
- Warehouse Name
- database
- schema


Improved visibility of workflow loop execution forms

The layout of the workflow loop execution form has been revised to facilitate deletion and other operations.


Transfer Settings

Forwarded to LINE Conversion API

A new forwarding destination LINE Conversion API has been added.
For more information on the various input fields and column mappings, please refer to Transfer Destination - LINE Conversion API.

Workflow Definition

Custom variable loop execution supports Snowflake queries

Custom variable loop execution now supports Snowflake queries.
The expanded value of a custom variable in a loop run can be set based on the results of a Snowflake query.

API Update

Forwarded from Shopify

  • The Shopify API used for the above connector has been updated to 2023-01.
  • Please refer to the Shopify developer documentation for information about the new version.



Expansion of TROCCO home screen dashboard

  • Workflow definitions are now displayed on the dashboard of the TROCCO home screen.


Transfer Settings

Transfer source Google Search Console

  • The data to be acquired can now be filtered by dimension filters.
    • Click on Set Details in Transfer Settings STEP 1 to display the dimension filter.
    • Currently, only PAGE items are supported.

data catalog

Logic for obtaining metadata when using team functions

  • Metadata about the data source (e.g., metadata about MySQL) is obtained by connecting to the data source using the connection information on TROCCO available to data catalog managers.
  • When the team function is used together, only connection information for which the data catalog administrator has the Operator role or higher privileges will be used.

For more information on this matter, please refer to the specifications for obtaining catalog data and metadata.


Visualization of connector usage

  • Connector usage is now displayed on the TROCCO home screen.

Improved visibility of connector list

  • Each connector is now more clearly displayed on the service selection screen when creating transfer settings and on the list of supported services on the home screen.

API Update

Forwarded to Facebook Conversion API

  • The Facebook API used for the above connector has been updated from v14 to v15.
  • Please refer to the Meta for Developers documentation for the new version.



The name of each connector of TROCCO has been changed as follows.

Before changeAfter change
Aurora MySQLAmazon Aurora MySQL
Cisco AMPCisco Secure Endpoint
CloudWatch LogsAmazon CloudWatch Logs
DynamoDBAmazon DynamoDB
GitHub(GraphQL)GitHub GraphQL API
MarketoAdobe Marketo Engage
PardotSalesforce Marketing Cloud Account Engagement
SQL ServerMicrosoft SQL Server
Tableau CRMTableau CRM Analytics


Transfer Settings

Forwarding Google Analytics 4 Measurement Protocol

Forwarding Google Analytics 4 Measurement Protocol is newly added.
For more information on the various input fields and column mappings, please refer to the Forwarding Destination - Google Analytics 4 Measurement Protocol.



tutorial dialog

  • A tutorial dialog is now available for first-time TROCCO users.
    • By following the dialog and following the three steps, you will understand the basic functions of TROCCO.
    • This dialog will be hidden after the three steps of "Create Connection Information," "Create Transfer Settings," and "Execute Transfer Job" are completed.


Markdown notation support for memos in each setting

  • Markdown notation is now supported for the memo fields in the following settings.
    • Transfer Settings
    • Data Mart Definition
    • Workflow Definition

Transfer Settings

Microsoft Excel file

  • Microsoft Excel files can now be transferred faster.
    • When a Microsoft Excel file is selected as the input file format in the file/storage connector, the value acquisition method can now be selected.
    • By selecting the use of cache as the method for retrieving values, they are transferred faster than before.
Cache usage

If " Use Cache" is selected in the column settings, the values at the time the Microsoft Excel file was saved locally will be used for the transfer.
Therefore, functions that change the result of calculation each time, such as date/time functions (e.g., TODAY function) and random number generation functions (e.g., RAND function), are not recalculated when the transfer is executed. Please note

Select Recalculate on Transfer if the formulas in the cells need to be recalculated when the transfer is executed.

data catalog

Metadata Import

  • For CSV files used for metadata import, template files can now be downloaded from the screen.
    • You can download a CSV file with pre-loaded header rows according to your data catalog.
    • See Metadata Import for more information.

Workflow Definition

Flow screen

Multiple tasks can now be selected and moved together.

Error indication during loop execution in query results

Error messages are now displayed when a query written in a loop in****Google BigQuery query results or Amazon Redshift query results fails to execute.

managed data transfer

Label Setting

  • Labels can now be installed and removed in batches, even after Managed Transfer Settings have been created.
    • Batch installation and removal can be performed from both the Advanced and Edit screens of the Managed Transfer Settings.

connection information

Google BigQuery

The list of projects that can be selected can now be read for the project ID to be specified when a Google account (OAuth) is selected as the authentication method.

API Update

Forwarding Google Ads

The version of Google Ads API has been updated from v11 to v12.
Please refer to the Google Ads API documentation for the new version.


managed data transfer

Transfer source Salesforce added

  • Salesforce has been added as a transfer source.
    • Transfer settings can be created for all objects connected to the connection information at once.



Forwarding Source Line Ads

End of providing connectors using scraping

As of 00:00 on 02/01/2023, we no longer offer Transfer Source Using Scraping - LINE Ads (Discontinued ).
Thereafter, executing a job using the transfer settings of Transfer From - LINE Ads (to be discontinued) will result in an error.

If you wish to create new forwarding settings in the future, please use the Forwarding Source Using LINE Ads API - LINE Ads.

Workflow Definition

Google BigQuery data check

  • Job IDs are now displayed in the execution log.


data catalog

  • Snowflake version of the data catalog function is now available.

Workflow Definition

  • Workflow definitions can now be duplicated.
    • You can duplicate a workflow definition from the hamburger menu in the upper right corner of the workflow definition details screen.

API Update

Forwarded to Facebook Offline Conversion

  • The Facebook API used for the above transfer destination has been updated from v14 to v15.
  • Please refer to the Meta for Developers documentation for the new version.


Transfer Settings

Forwarding Google Ads

  • The following resource types (report types) have been added
    • ad_group_asset
    • customer_asset

dbt linkage

  • The supported version has been updated from v1.2 to v1.3.

data catalog

  • A link to the column reference list has been added to the table information screen.
    • Clicking on the link will display a list of column references defined in the table in question.
    • For more information on column references, see Column References.


API Update

Forwarded by Facebook Ad Insights

  • The Facebook API used for the above transfer source has been updated from v14 to v15.
  • Please refer to the Meta for Developers documentation for the new version.

connection information


  • You can now select the version of the JDBC driver that connects to the PostgreSQL server.
    • Please select the driver version according to your PostgreSQL version.
      • PostgreSQL 8.2 or higher: JDBC Driver 42.5.1
      • PostgreSQL under 8.2: 9.4 1205 JDBC 41


API Update

Forwarded Facebook Lead Ads and Forwarded Facebook Ad Creative

  • The Facebook API used for the above transfer source has been updated from v14 to v15.
  • Please refer to the Meta for Developers documentation for the new version.

Workflow Definition

  • The execution log for each task can now be easily displayed on the workflow job details screen.
    • By clicking on a task on the flow, the execution log of the task is displayed.



Forwarding Source Line Ads

Data extraction using LINE Advertisement API

Recently, LINE Corporation released a new method for extracting ad data via API.
In line with the above, TROCCO has separately started offering a new connector that uses the LINE Advertising API.

For more information, see Transfer Source - LINE Ads.

Other UI/UX

Notification settings

  • Notifications regarding the following jobs are now sent even if the job was skipped.
    • transfer job
    • think-job
    • workflow job

managed data transfer

  • It is now easy to see which workflows are using the Managed Transfer settings.
    • On the "Managed Transfer Settings" page, under " Workflows using this setting", a list of workflows that incorporate the relevant managed transfer setting will be displayed.


connection information

Amazon S3

  • Support for connection to Amazon S3 using authentication by IAM roles.
    • You can connect to Amazon S3 without having to place AWS access keys and AWS secret keys on TROCCO.
    • In the Amazon S3 connection information, you can select the IAM role as the AWS authentication method.

Transfer Settings

Forwarding source AppsFlyer

  • A new transfer source AppsFlyer has been added.
    • For more information on the report types, fields, and various restrictions that can be obtained, please refer to the Transfer Source - AppsFlyer.

Forwarding HubSpot

  • Support for renewal of contact subscriptions.
    • Subscription can be selected as the object type.
    • See Renewing Subscriptions for more information, including the schema for transfer data.

Other UI/UX

Team Functions

  • Support for displaying "dbt job settings" and "dbt repository" on the resource group detail screen has been added.


Transfer Settings

Destination Box

  • A new destination box has been added.
    • You can transfer files to Box by specifying the path of the folder.

Workflow Definition

  • Child workflows embedded in a workflow can now be looped.
    • Loop execution can be set up by adding a workflow as a task on the flow edit screen and then editing the task.

Other UI/UX

List of forwarding settings

  • Schedules can now be deleted in a batch from the selected transfer settings in the transfer settings list.

data catalog

  • The width of the query editor in the data catalog can now be changed.
    • You can change the width of the sidebar to any width you like by dragging the sidebar border and moving it left or right.


connection information


  • For a MongoDB replica set, you can now select the node (member) you want to read.
    • In the "Read Settings" section, you can select from the following five items.
      • primary
      • primaryPreferred
      • secondary
      • secondaryPreferred
      • nearest
    • Please refer to the help documentation for more information on loading settings.

Transfer Settings

Transferred from TikTok Ads

  • Dimensions to be acquired have been expanded. The dimensions supported in this project are as follows.
    • Basic data metrics
      • reach
      • frequency
      • result
    • Video play metrics
      • video_watched_2s
      • video_watched_6s
      • average_video_play
    • Page Event Metrics
      • web_event_add_to_cart
      • on_web_order
      • initiate_checkout
      • add_billing
      • page_event_search


API Update

Twitter Ads

  • API version has been updated from v11 to v12.
  • For more information about the new version, please refer to the Twitter Developers documentation.

Facebook Offline Conversion

  • Forwarded to Facebook The Facebook API used for offline conversions has been updated from v14 to v15.
  • Please refer to the Meta for Developers documentation for the new version.

Transfer Settings

Forwarding HubSpot

  • Object types eligible for transfer destination have been expanded. The object types that have been added are as follows
    • company
    • deal
    • product
    • ticket
    • line_item
    • quote
  • An append (INSERT) has been added to the transfer mode.
  • For UPSERT in transfer mode, the UPSERT key can now be specified.

Destination and source Google BigQuery

  • Under "Dataset Locations," the following three new locations can now be selected
    • europe-west8 (Milan)
    • europe-west9 (Paris)
    • europe-southwest1 (Madrid)

Forwarding Destination Snowflake

  • Columns of type json are now included as VARIANT by default.
    • Until now, columns of type json have been imported as VARCHAR.
    • If you want to import json type columns as VARCHAR type as before, please make the following settings.
      • STEP2・Select VARCHAR as the data type in "Column Settings" in the Output Options.

Other UI/UX

List of forwarding settings

  • Schedules can now be added to selected transfer settings in a batch in the Transfer Settings List.

data catalog

  • The width of the sidebar in the data catalog can now be changed.
    • You can change the width of the sidebar to any width you like by dragging the sidebar border and moving it left or right.

Team Functions

  • In the connection information list on the resource group details screen, the service name of the connection information is now displayed in a form that is associated with each connection information.



  • DATAMART - Snowflake now supports output to databases "with hyphens in the name".
    • When data transfer mode is selected in query execution mode, the destination database can now specify databases that "contain hyphens in their names".


API Update

Advertise on Yahoo!

API version has been updated from v8****to v9.
For more information about the new version, please refer to the API Reference.

Transfer Settings

Transfer source Google Drive

  • Files located on a shared drive can also be transferred.

Destination Google Drive

  • You can now also transfer to a folder on a shared drive.

dbt linkage

  • dbt run-operation has been added as a command to run job settings.
    • Macros can be called by entering a macro name.



  • Loop execution of jobs on a workflow can now be based on Amazon Redshift query results.
    • Expanded values for custom variables in loop runs can be set based on Amazon Redshift query results.
    • By storing the values of the tables you want to expand in Amazon Redshift tables, you can define a workflow in which the expansion values fluctuate with each execution.

data catalog

  • Basic metadata values can now be imported using CSV files.
    • You can import from "Metadata Import" in the Data Catalog Settings.
    • See Metadata Import for more information.


connection information

  • Connection to Oracle Autonomous Database is now supported.
    • Wallet files can now be uploaded when " Use tnsnames.ora file" is selected under "Connection Method" in the Oracle Database connection information.
    • Uploading a wallet file enables connection to the Oracle Autonomous Database.

data catalog

  • For summary statistics, minimum and maximum values for date and time types are now displayed.
    • Summary statistics can be found in column information and previews.


Transfer Settings

  • For the split table supported by the STEP2 and output options of the destination BigQuery, it is now possible to split the table by finer time units.
    • Prior to the change, only date-based division was supported.
    • With this change, you can now choose from the following four units of table division.
      • Hourly
      • per day
      • Every 1 month
      • Every 1 year


connection information

  • PostgreSQL connection information now supports connections via AWS Systems Manager Session Manager.

Transfer Settings

  • Microsoft Excel files (xlsx and xls) are now supported as input file formats in the file/storage connector.
    The supported connectors are as follows
    • Transfer source - Amazon S3
    • Transfer from - Azure Blob Storage
    • Transfer source - Box
    • Transfer source - FTP/FTPS
    • From - Google Cloud Storage
    • From - Google Drive
    • Source - HTTP(S)
    • Source - SFTP
    • Source - Local files


  • For automatic retries in the event of workflow failure, the time interval between the next retry execution can now be specified.
    • When the number of retries is specified as 1 or more on the workflow setup screen, a time can be specified.

data catalog

  • For columns generated using TROCCO's DataMart function, metadata about the data source of the source column can now be automatically inherited.
    However, the following conditions must be met in order for metadata to be taken over automatically.
    • No processing is applied to the column values on the data mart definition.
    • The data transfer mode is used as the query execution mode for the data mart definition.


API Update

Google Ads

Managed Transfer Settings

  • The edit screen for managed transfer settings has been expanded.
    • Settings related to the source and destination of registered forwarding settings and common settings can now be changed in a batch.

Other UI/UX

List of forwarding settings

  • Transfer settings can now be narrowed down by presence or absence of notification settings.
  • Transfer settings can now be narrowed down by whether or not a schedule is set.
  • Labels attached to selected transfer settings can now be removed in a batch.


API Update

Advertise on Yahoo!

  • API version has been updated to v8.
    • Due to an API update, the old indicator has been discontinued.
    • From now on, if a column containing "(old)" is specified in the column name, the new column will be automatically obtained.
  • For more information about the new version, please see Yahoo! Ads API v8 System Release Completion Announcement.


data catalog

  • A button to open the query editor has been added to the table information tab.
    • Click the button to launch the query editor.
    • The query is displayed with the table opened in the Table Info tab specified in the FROM clause.
  • Google account can now be re-authenticated in the data catalog settings.


Transfer Settings

  • TROCCO has been added as a transfer source.
    • Data related to "user-defined metadata" and "column reference list" held in TROCCO's data catalog can be transferred.
  • Static list IDs can now be specified in the forwarding destination Marketo.

Managed Transfer Settings

  • Slack notifications of table increase/decrease detection now include the name of the detected table.
    • Previously, the number of tables added and deleted was displayed.
    • From now on, in addition to the number of tables added and deleted, the name of the table will also be displayed.

dbt linkage

  • Custom variables are now available in the option values of the Job Settings run command.

data catalog

  • User-defined metadata values can now be edited in the Markdown editor.
    • If you want to edit field values using a Markdown editor, specify "Text(Markdown)" in the "Template for user-defined metadata" data type.
  • Logical names are now displayed directly below column names in the preview under "Table Information.

Other UI/UX

  • You can now check the authentication method for each user on the Account/User screen.
    • You can check if 2-step verification and SAML verification are enabled respectively.



  • HubSpot API keys will no longer be available as an authentication method to access the HubSpot API after November 30, 2022.
    • Please use OAuth 2.0 as your authentication method in the future.
    • For more information, please refer to the official documentation.

Transfer Settings

  • Custom variables can now be used as filter values in the filter settings in Transfer Settings STEP 2 "Data Preview and Advanced Settings".
  • Custom variables can now be used for HTTP header keys and values at the source HTTP(S).

data catalog

  • The Markdown editor is now available for editing the basic metadata item "Description" field.
  • Query Editor can now download query execution results in CSV format.
    • The maximum amount of data that can be downloaded is 10 MB, and lines that exceed the size limit will be truncated.

Managed Transfer Settings

More details about the managed forwarding setup will be presented in the August 2022 release notes.

Other UI/UX

  • In the list of forwarding settings, "Creator" has been added as a filtering item.
    • The list can be narrowed down to transfer settings created by the selected user.
  • In the "Transfer Settings" list, the "Name (Partial Match)" search item now supports AND search.
    • AND searches can be performed by entering entries separated by spaces.
  • In the list of transfer settings, labels can now be added to selected transfer settings in a batch.


dbt linkage

  • Snowflake and Redshift have been added to the dbt Git repository adapters.

data catalog

  • TROCCO basic metadata settings have been added.
    • The basic metadata items "logical name" and "description" defined on the TROCCO side can now be selected whether or not to be displayed in the column list.


Transfer Settings

  • Folders can now be selected in the source Marketo target.
  • HubSpot has been added as a forwarding destination.
    • Contact object is supported.
  • When line_item is selected as the report type in the source Twitter Ads, campaign_id is now included in the transfer content.

dbt linkage

  • dbt linkage functionality has been released.
    • We provide a runtime environment for the OSS version of dbt and GitHub integration.
    • The flow from ETL to data modeling can be defined on the TROCCO workflow function.
    • Please refer to the press release for more information, including future release plans.


Transfer Settings

  • Program members can now be selected in the forwarding source Marketo target.
  • The NUMERIC type can now be selected as the data type for column settings in STEP 2, Output Options, of the destination BigQuery.



  • Automatic retry is now available when a workflow fails.
    • The number of times an automatic retry is performed can be specified on the workflow setup screen.


Transfer Settings

  • Google Drive has been added as a transfer destination.
  • Updated the regions that can be specified in the dataset location when BigQuery is selected as the source and destination.


  • When BigQuery is selected in the data mart definition, the regions that can be specified in the data processing location have been updated.

data catalog

  • TROCCO original metadata can now be set.
    • In addition to user-defined metadata, TROCCO has a frame for setting default metadata on the TROCCO side.

Other UI/UX

  • All screens for transfer settings, data mart definitions, workflow definitions, and various account settings are now available in English.


Transfer Settings

  • In the source Shopify, you can now specify a transaction object as the target.
    • Data stored in a transaction object can now be retrieved.
  • When specifying a lead by static list as a target in Marketo, the list ID to be retrieved can now be specified.


  • If a nested workflow fails in midstream, it is now reexecuted from the stop position of the child workflow when it is reexecuted.

data catalog

  • In templates for user-defined metadata, it is now possible to select multiple fields to be displayed in the column list.
    • The column information in the data catalog will be displayed in the same order as set in the template edit screen for user-defined metadata.
  • Primary table metadata can now be inherited for BigQuery tables created in TROCCO's data mart.
    • Column-based linage can now be displayed between tables with inherited metadata.


Transfer Settings

  • When CDC is used at the transfer source, up to 5 retries are performed in a batch.
    • If an error occurs during the binlog transfer phase, it will automatically retry up to 5 times.

data catalog

  • Suggestions are now displayed in the ON clause in the query editor.
    • Suggestions of conditions are displayed based on the dependencies registered in the data catalog.



  • TROCCO batch registration has been added to the workflow task.
    • The transfer settings associated with a batch registration can be executed in a batch.


Transfer Settings

  • In the forwarding source Shopify, you can now specify Metafield as the target.
    • Data stored in Metafield resources can now be retrieved.

data catalog

  • Tab information is now retained in the URL on the data catalog screen.
    • When transitioning between tabs and returning to the original screen with a browser back, it is now possible to go back to the point before the transition.


Transfer Settings

  • In the forwarding source Google Ad Manager, it is now possible to specify whether to display the topmost ad unit or all units.
    • It is now possible to obtain deep hierarchical reports by child and grandchild ads.


  • Free description mode has been added in Redshift in the data mart definition.
    • You can issue any query, including DDL statements, to the Redshift DWH.



  • Free description mode has been added in Snowflake in the data mart definition.
    • You can issue any query, including DDL statements, to Snowflake's DWH.


Transfer Settings

  • Added extended conversions to forwarded Google Ads conversions.
    • Until now, TROCCO only supported offline conversions as forwarded Google Ads, but now it also supports extended conversions.
    • Accordingly, "Forwarded Google Ads Offline Conversions" has been renamed "Forwarded Google Ads Conversions".
  • Character encoding can now be specified in STEP1 in the source local file.
  • The report template feature is now available in the forwarding source Facebook Ad Insights.
    • In STEP 1 of the Transfer Settings edit screen of the forwarding source Facebook Ad Insights, you can now get the main fields for each report type in the template.


  • Data processing locations can now be specified when using free description mode in BigQuery data mart definitions.
    • Previously, the query was only for the US region, but now you can specify the region of the target dataset.

Other UI/UX

  • Up to 50 definitions can now be displayed on the Data Mart Definition List screen and Workflow Definition List screen.


Transfer Settings

  • Custom apps are now supported at the forwarding source Shopify.

    • Custom apps can now be selected for Shopify connection information creation as well.
  • Zoho CRM has been added as a forwarding destination.

  • Up to 50 transfer settings can now be displayed on the Transfer Settings List screen.

data catalog

  • The amount of BigQuery scans can now be displayed in QueryDita.
    • At the same time, issuing an invalid query now returns an error location.


Transfer Settings

  • The tar.gz format can now be selected as the decompression setting on the source Amazon S3.
    • When extracting in tar.gz format, the relative path after decompression can now be set using regular expressions.

data catalog

  • When updating user-defined metadata, indexes are now updated at the same time.
    • User-defined metadata now hits the search as soon as it is updated.



  • Separate icons for each workflow task type.
    • It is now easier to intuitively understand what the tasks on the flow represent.

data catalog

  • In Query Editor, the project selected at the last startup can now be used as is.
    • It is no longer necessary to select the project that is primarily used each time the query editor is started.
  • Table and column dependencies can now be displayed and deleted.
  • PostgreSQL has been added as a metadata collection target.


Transfer Settings

  • Rtoaster insight+ Google account integration has been added as a transfer source.
    • Rtoaster insight+ Google account linkage can now be specified for data transfer.
    • If you wish to use Rtoaster insight+ Google account integration as the forwarding source, your Google account must be added to Rtoaster insight+.
      For information on how to add to Rtoaster insight+, please refer to this help page .

data catalog

  • Registered user-defined metadata can now be searched from the search bar at the top of the screen.
    • If user-defined metadata contains fields of type string, you can search for values within those fields.
      (e.g., if you had stored a value of "sales" in the table's "logical name" metadata, typing "sales" in the search bar would now appear in the search results).
  • When searching, you can now move to the "Search Results" screen to check detailed information and filter and sort.


Transfer Settings

  • ZohoCRM has been added as a transfer source.
    • Data can now be extracted and transferred using SQL-like queries (COQL) specifically for ZohoCRM.
  • Added language to deprecate the trigger job function.
    • Please move to a workflow function that can be operated via GUI and allows more flexible definition of dependencies.

data catalog

  • Query Editor can now save and load saved queries.


connection information

  • SSH connection is now supported in Oracle Database connection information.
  • OAuth2.0 can now be selected as the authentication method in HubSpot connection information.

Transfer Settings

  • The items "Pipeline", "Pipeline Stage", and "Person in Charge" can now be retrieved at the forwarding HubSpot.
    • Now we can get a list of "DEAL" and "TICKET" pipelines and their pipeline stages.


  • When previewing data in transfer settings, etc., you can now select whether to save (persist) the preview contents within the TROCCO service.
    • When this feature is enabled, preview contents are automatically deleted after a certain period of time after setup is complete, making the use of the system more secure.


Transfer Settings

  • update" and "upsert" have been added to the transfer mode in the destination KINTONE.
    • More flexible data integration with kintone is now possible.
  • The items "subCampaignId" and "subCampaignName" can now be obtained at the forwarding source RTB House.
  • Deleted and archived records can now be retrieved at the originating Salesforce.
    • Records of Task and Event objects created (archived) more than one year ago can now also be retrieved.

data catalog

  • Sharding tables under any dataset are now displayed together.
  • The complement of the query editor has been enhanced to make it easier to utilize.
    • Metadata about the table you entered and the usage of the function you entered are now suggested.



  • In Snowflake, error messages when connection information is incorrectly specified are now easier to understand.

Other UI/UX

  • FTP" listed as a data source has been changed to "FTP/FTPS" and "HTTP" has been changed to "HTTP(S)".
    • There is no change in the function itself. The UI notation will be adapted to the function.


Transfer Settings

  • The ad account ID is now suggested in the forwarding source Facebook Ad Creative.
  • In Google Spreadsheets, the "Reverse All" mode has been added to the transfer mode.
    • Since the transfer contents are directly reflected in the target sheet, references are no longer broken in Google Data Portal, etc.
  • No stage is left on Snowflake when a transfer job succeeds at the destination Snowflake.

data catalog

  • KINTONE has been added as a metadata collection target.

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